a way of turning or running away if you dont want to kiss someone and pretending to see a squirrel and or chase it (works for me). Like if its a gross guy.....
Brandon: "Kiss me."
Maria: "Ummmmmm.....Squirrel!!!!!" (Looks to side and runs)
Brandon: Wuhhh??
Insane, completely nutts, one who has no grasp on reality or idea on what he/she or they is talking about.
Damn, this bitch squirrels asf. What is shorty talking about me cheating? I been in the house all day like a housewife doin her job, fuck is she on.
Wow Becky has some nice squirrels . I’d love to suck on those squirrels.
A derogatory term referring to black people as a whole. Arguably as racist, if not more racist, than the N-Word.
Keith: Hey man did you see whole stole my car?
Tim: Looked like a couple of Squirrels to me
Keith: Woah dude don't say that out loud! You might get cancelled.
Moose squirrel. Hello boys. A supernatural nickname for dean Winchester, since he is the shortest. Given the nickname by the one and only Crowley, the king of hell.
It a combination of when you make your significant other, squirt and squeal at the same time!
Last night I fucked this bitch so hard that I made her squirrel for hours!