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A girl that wants to eat your nuts

She ah squirrel

by Pretty Boy 4 January 15, 2019


a way of turning or running away if you dont want to kiss someone and pretending to see a squirrel and or chase it (works for me). Like if its a gross guy.....

Brandon: "Kiss me."
Maria: "Ummmmmm.....Squirrel!!!!!" (Looks to side and runs)
Brandon: Wuhhh??

by snarglylurb January 19, 2012


Insane, completely nutts, one who has no grasp on reality or idea on what he/she or they is talking about.

Damn, this bitch squirrels asf. What is shorty talking about me cheating? I been in the house all day like a housewife doin her job, fuck is she on.

by BreckTown USA August 12, 2020



Wow Becky has some nice squirrels . I’d love to suck on those squirrels.

by Missmandybanana March 20, 2018


A derogatory term referring to black people as a whole. Arguably as racist, if not more racist, than the N-Word.

Keith: Hey man did you see whole stole my car?
Tim: Looked like a couple of Squirrels to me
Keith: Woah dude don't say that out loud! You might get cancelled.

by Anonymous82113 April 12, 2022


Moose squirrel. Hello boys. A supernatural nickname for dean Winchester, since he is the shortest. Given the nickname by the one and only Crowley, the king of hell.

Moose, squirrel. Hello boys.

by Offofofof123 September 1, 2018


It a combination of when you make your significant other, squirt and squeal at the same time!

Last night I fucked this bitch so hard that I made her squirrel for hours!

by Sarinaslutmaster September 17, 2014