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A person isnt classfified a goth just because of piercings or because of wearing black clothing, but that is the typical stereotype. You wear Black and you're automaticlaly said to be gothic, well, do people look like architecture to others?

Its the realistic outlook on life. You've had a reality check, realized that everyone is slowly dying each day. Realized, you may have it better then others, realized that the world isnt all happy skippy as people make it out to be. You realize Death could happen at any time, that there is something more out there then what you know.

Gothic people have a deep sense of lyrical poetry and ability to write, using experience and life to feed off of to write, not all goths are suicidal, depressive and cutt. Goths are almost always there for others, and make close friends, and stand by them with any of their desisions. They wish to prove that you dont have to be popular and fit in. That you are your own person, that you shouldnt have to conform to what everyone else does.

the music and cloths are frequent, but you can wear pink and listen to pop music and still be gothic for your looks on life and your outlook of everything else. Most are well read, and intellectual, easy to talk to using slight slang. No one's perfect, but they are most gramatically correct having studied deep into literature and theatre.

No example

by mortaliscaedes January 29, 2004

28๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) a subculture grouping usually classified by non-goths as anybody who is depressed and wears black. that's not the half of it. goths range widely in mentality and appearance. some of them are very depressed, wear black, and link about suicide. some others can be happy and fun, but simply have pessimistic tendancies and a dark, sarcastic sense of humor. many goths in middle school and high school were nerds in elementary school. many goths are quite smart and creative, liking to write and draw. goths prefer to be alone or with people like them, and can't stand most "normal" people. they tend to be quiet and reluctant to draw attention to themselves, even shy at times, but inside they can be affectionate and even sweet if they're in the right mood. they don't care about what people think of them, it's how they think of themselves that matters to them. if a goth gets a haircut and nobody likes it, he/she doesn't care as long as he/she likes it. goths tend to be inquisitived to a point that they offend other people with questions regarding religion. can be quite defensive of their opinions. sometimes stubborn. doesn't like to make friends. if you want to be friends with a goth (hypothetical situation), you have to go slow, be content to just be aqquaintances for a while until the goth gets confortable around you, as goths don't like to socialize too often. GOTHS ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FROM MARYLIN MANSON!

2)goths are often very reluctant to share opinions and ideas or anything they've written or drawn, but if approached the right (or wrong, depending on your outlook) way, they can be somewhat crude and in-your-face. goth is actually short for gothic, coming from several tribes in europe around the time of the roman empire (some of them actually caused the fall of it)

1) Maria's father died, and ever since she has been goth.

2) The Visigoths invaded the northern roman empire in it's last days, about the same time as the vikings.

by Sorceror72 November 4, 2005

25๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


A style of clothing and music. That's it.

I honestly wish that I could write an 'elaborate rant' on the "true meaning" of the gothic subculture, but I can't because there IS no true meaning.

by Pragmatic Realist September 29, 2007

29๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


simply, what you want it to be.

see the book 'What Is Goth' by Voltaire.

by Tearz April 25, 2005

42๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


Hi, wow isn't this amazing i've just been told that i'm a goth and i should go and slit my wrists somewhere. How smart...
I get the labeling of 'greeb' 'emo' 'goth' etc all the time. Ok i admit i like the 'greebo' bands and clothing but i dont hang around in cemeteries or cut myself.
This is me... I have straight blonde hair and blue eyes, i like the word MIAOW!!! and my favorite top is bright yellow with a little skull on it. Ok i might pain my nails black occaisionally and have 'greebo' friends but honestly, don't judge people who dress differently than you...if you do then you're stupid and don't deserve to here me say MIAOW!

Lots and lots of goths who say Miaow!

by Salena... January 22, 2008

13๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A member of a Germanic people who invaded the Roman Empire in the early centuries of the Christian era.

2. (a) A style of rock music that often evokes bleak, lugubrious imagery.
(b) A performer or follower of this style of music.

3. An invdividual who either enjoys the darker interests and enjoyments of life or is captivated by those who do. These individuals are artistic, intelligent, curious, and often surprising when it comes to such things as careers or pasttimes. In fact, the only reason that they come off "scary" or "creepy" at all is because society shuns and fears what they do not understand. Most 'goths' interviewed simply stated that the reason they have such a low-down attitude and enjoy creeping people out is because they've been outcasted. Indeed, hundreds of teens/young adults enter such a lifestyle because they were shunned, misunderstood, hated, kicked around, or even just misplaced, meaning they couldn't fit in any other stereotype.

4. Just another all-American title for better labeling and little understanding... Typical humans not thinking.

1. The young woman from Rome was tortured and beheaded by the Goths.

2. "What's her favorite music?" "Oh... Death Metal, hard rock... all that goth stuff."

3. "You're gothic?" "No... I'm Bill."

4. "Look at those goths around the street... they're as bad as punks!"

by Jeelander February 24, 2006

23๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


A goth is a fan of gothic music. Gothic music came about in the early 1980's with bands like The Cure, Bauhaus, and Siouxsie and the Banshees. Gothic music has evolved so much today as there are many different types of it. Anyone can be goth and not even dress the part. For example, a person wearing a pair of blue jeans and a flannel shirt can be goth. If you listen to gothic music, you're goth. It's as simple as that. However, there is actually a lot to goth and even many different types of goths ie: perkygoth, romantigoth, deathrocker, rivet-head, ethergoth, cybergoth, etc. While I say that a goth is a fan of gothic music which is generally true, it is also many things. That is why we have so many different permutations of goth because there really is NO ONE TRUE definition of it. Someone is drawn to goth for one reason or another, takes it into their own hands and adds their own spin on it, making the subgenres of goth that I already mentioned above and the list goes on and on. Goth is basically anything you wish it to be. However, I think before one calls themselves goth, they should at least be familiar with the music.

As for the stereotypes, they are not true. Goths are not suicidal, they are not depressed, they are not satan worshippers, they do not cut themselves, and they do not have to wear black constantly. Besides, ANYONE can be depressed. Yes, there are goths that are depressed no doubt, but there are also many "mundane" as they are called in the scene, or "normal" people who are depressed as well. I'm sure however, that unforturnately, there are goths who do fit the other stereotypes but all goths should not be stereotyped!

I already listed examples above: a fan of gothic music generally makes a goth. A goth does not have to dress the part as well as a goth certainly doesn't have to wear strictly black all of the time. It really depends on what an individual chooses to wear and it would probably be, whatever they're comfortable in.

by Lauren Batty May 24, 2006

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