Source Code

Bruce U

Bruce U is a Ugandan superfighter, and Kung Fu Master. Within Uganda, everybody knows Kung Fu, but Bruce U is the best. Having grown up in the slums of Uganda, he was able to master the art of Kung-Fu, and is the greatest warrior in all of the nation.

Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee cannot defeat his superior fighting technique

Captain Alex: "Where is the criminal Tiger Mafia?"
Bogwandi: "They are fighting Kung Fu Master, Bruce U!"
Captain Alex: "They will be vanquished."

by Warlord Savimbi March 29, 2019

Bruce Lee

The only one that can kill Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris was no match for Bruce Lee in Way of the Dragon, once the kung-fu master understood his opponent's fighting style.

by Lexiconartist January 15, 2013

306πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Bruce Sip

1) An awkward drinking posture, manner and style; an attempt to avoid consuming an alcoholic beverage

2) Utilizing an awkward posture or style to avoid consuming alcohol, when you call someone out on doing a Bruce sip, you are calling them unmanly and unaccustomed to consuming strong beverages

3) Apathetic beverage ritual, the β€œBruce sip”; consuming an alcoholic beverage by rotating one's head backwards simultaneously rotating the glass forward- keeping the top of the glass perpendicular to the floor

β€œYou bruce sip that again and I'm going to take that drink away from you and give it to my daughter!”

β€œI don’t mean to lame out, but that shot was so strong I Bruce sipped it”.

by lookwhattheydidtomyboy January 24, 2013

Bruce Banner

Known as the alter ego for the Hulk. It is also known as someone who has a green vein on their penis. Not many people are sure as to why the green vein is there, but it could only be known as radioactive.

Doctor, you may want to come look at this. This guy has a Bruce Banner, and his name is DJShockJock.

by Djshockjock April 7, 2019

74πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Bruce Ironstaunch

The most gar background character to appear in any anime series ever, Bruce Ironstaunch appeared in Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann twice. Once, when he was seen making a rude gesture in the middle of a cheering crowd, and once more when he threw a stone that split open the freakishly wide forehead of Rossiu (jerk extraordinaire).

Bruce has since gone down in history as one of the most manly men of anime.

Dude, Bruce Ironstaunch is so freaking badass. Did you see how he threw that rock?

by Torint May 28, 2008

88πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Bruce Springsteen

Quite possibly one of the greatest songwriters of all time who also happens to be a sublime showman that performs 3-4 hour long concerts as a senior citizen! A terrific musician overall.

Not to mention, he seems like a very kind & down to earth man that I had the pleasure of running into a few years ago!

Bruce Springsteen isn't called The Boss for nothing!

by Soul_Driver October 5, 2019

439πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž

Bruce Lee

One of the very few people to have less than 2 percent body fat.

I wish I was as ripped as Bruce Lee was

by mike fo shizzle to the nizzle December 7, 2007

122πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž