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Chewbacca defense

A nonsensical or illogical legal defense (especially one postulated by an unpopular defendant such as Microsoft or RIAA). The phrase comes from the animated TV series South Park, where an attorney exhorts a jury to acquit his client based solely on his contradictory arguments.

"Although my client's fingerprints were all over the murder weapon and he was seen by 50 eyewitnesses at the scene of the crime, the Sun rises in the East so you must find him innocent."

by Charles U. Farley December 29, 2004

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depp defense

When an abusive man, even one previously convicted of spousal abuse, lies as a way to dismiss or excuse his own abuse towards her. This is often accompanied by a social campaign against her and the suppression of her evidence in court that he was abusive.

My abusive ex husband who nearly put me in the hospital is pulling a Depp defense.

by HeardHer June 26, 2022

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Poe's Defense

An attempt to deflect criticism of one's own stupidity for being unable to discern between satire and reality onto the supposed stupidity of a group, particularly one that is looked down upon by current company, by invoking Poe's Law. When someone is called out for responding seriously to an obvious troll or satire, they will attempt to explain that their failure to comprehend the source was not due to their own lack of reading ability, but because there are individuals within that group that are so crazy, stupid, or devious that it could have actually been legitimate.

Person A: I can't believe this Jonathan Swift guy wanted to eat babies!
Person B: That was a satire, dumbass.
Person A: Hah! Isn't that funny? Those intellectual elites are so cold and inhumane that when one of them talks about cannibalism, you can't even tell if he's joking!
Person B: Poe's Defense? Really?

by urbankludge55 July 8, 2010

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Aggressive Defense

1) Noun (ah-`gress-uv ยท `dee-fents) Aggressive Defense is a positional element in a team based conflict environment. Commonly mistaken as 'out of position,' when really a tactical deployment of team assets in unusual but cunning locations.
2) Noun (uhโ€ฆ WT`Fยฟ) A naturally occurring situational event where a defender is caught in a role reversal anomaly. Usually associated with lack of practice, discipline or map awareness in a team based conflict.
3) Adj. (ah-`gress-uv ยท `dee-fents-uv) A descriptive of the Aggressively Defensive entity.
4) Split Infinitive (ah-`gress-uv-lee ยท `dee-fend) The phenomenon of existence of an Aggressive Defender.
5) Noun (ah-`gress-uv ยท `dee-fents) In 5v5 CTF, when a defender ends up defending outside the normal zone of defense, past the mid point of the map.

1) We have one down; two incoming from the lower left... and someone please take out that god damn aggressive defenseman near our base entrance.
2) Ok, the base is overrun. Where is our defense? WTF, why did CiraZe grab the flag? I thought he was on defense... OMFG...
3) There he goes again, off to play his aggressively defensive game...
4) Ok guys, these noobs suck so bad, our goal is to have nobody in base, and to aggressively defend the entire match. Offense, bring us home the victory please.
5) How is it, raZe, that you ended up defending in their flag room? - CiraZe, just playing Aggressive Defense, it seems to be working...

by [Ci]raZe October 12, 2004

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houtman defense

A defense mechanism used in a political debate that consists of turning the argument into a stereotype about mexicans and other hispanics, or using the stereotype as a parallel to push a point across.

Alex knew he was losing the arguement about rednecks voting bush into office, so he used the houtman defense and simply said well illegal immigrants drive our fruit picking industry.

by Eric Miller September 10, 2007

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twinkie defense

O.K., this is the REAL Proud Conservative. Not his groupie.

The Story of the twinkie defense is thus:
In 1978, Dan White, a former San Francisco city supervisor who had recently resigned his position, entered San Francisco City Hall through a basement window, went upstairs, and shot and killed Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk.

Psychiatrist Martin Blinder testified in court that White had been depressed, which led to eating junk food: Twinkies and Coca-Cola. This further deepened White's depression, since he was an ex-athlete and knew that the food was not good for him. This was evidence of his depression that prompted his murder spree. This celebrated diagnosis became known as the "Twinkie defense."
(Taken from www.ohnonews.com)

by Proud Conservative August 27, 2003

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defensive dating

only dating someone for the sole purpose of preventing someone else from dating them

"I don't want to go out with her but I'm going to just so you can't." Defensive dating at its best.

by omglolwtf#winning October 15, 2011

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