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Full Tanaka

It is the act of surviving a willful or accidental disregard for injurous circumstances, and or the laws of physics.

Did you hear that my husband went full Tanaka, he accidentally kicked out the jack that was holding up the car he was working on?

She went full Tanaka when she misjudge the distance of the jump, slid and fell off a cliff. She'll be in a cast for a month at least.

by BassinHank April 8, 2011

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Full of shit

Full of misinformation, but calling it facts.

The girl was full of shit, and wanted to come off as believable.

by Solid Mantis May 8, 2020

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full shelby

The term used to describe when you are so fucked up that you turn into a quadriplegic and possibly shit yourself.

"Browny was so fucked up he turned full shelby! Bloke even pissed on the end of the bed!"

"Bloke can you grab us another tin? Ive sent it full shelbz, dont think i can walk"

by September 19, 2023

full on asian

When you are playing ping pong and you crush the ball with an overhead hit. When this happens you can yell "I'm full on asian." It can referred as going full on asian.

David and Vince were playing ping pong when suddenly Vince lobs the ball and David crushes it while yelling "I'm going full on asian."

by dreichert November 7, 2011


The opposite of full frontal, when someone is seen completely nude from the back.

"Gail's never gone the full Walkabout."
"True, true. Gail's only gone as far as full-backal."

by Jeff Murdock January 2, 2010

slap full

Adj. 1: At maximum capacity
Adj. 2: Large quantity of something

Los Angeles is slap full of wannabe actors and actresses.

by Apopka fo rizzle... June 22, 2011

full Ginsburg

"The full Ginsburg" refers to a PR hack or spokesperson making appearances on all five major Sunday morning talk shows in one day to push a pre-crafted talking-points message. It takes its name from William H Ginsburg, attorney for Monica Lewinsky, who was the first person to do so during the Clinton/Lewinsky sex scandal.

Secretary of State did the full Ginsburg this weekend to push for an attack on Syria.

by jbspry September 9, 2013