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The home of which a pagan is Breed or born. For the deeply Ol' pagan reborn in. If done right it will nourish you to provide for your family with everything you need. This is the true and only definition if HB.

That's one of Tes's HB house. In pagan terms she has had a lot of clusters of children, and travelled around to many places.

by Tess Majestic Lyla Flynn real August 1, 2024

The HB

The GOAT; the sexiest, the smartest, the best, the most beautiful girl ever, who everyone loves to the extreme, she’s an icon

“Omg, is the THE HB?!! She’s a GOAT, SHES A GOAT!! SN loves her more than anything!! Get an autograph

by Sn201180LVHB November 30, 2021

DFVjinvfnj;kbanjvdfnjdavdjk;dbbjbbn;bdsbfnklkjbdv fhkbdxFk;hb;kdfb;khvfdbvFkjbg jl badnknbdbdkbldgfhjb

are you that bored?

DFVjinvfnj;kbanjvdfnjdavdjk;dbbjbbn;bdsbfnklkjbdv fhkbdxFk;hb;kdfb;khvfdbvFkjbg jl badnknbdbdkbldgfhjb

by xx_gamerboy69alphawolf_xx August 21, 2023

rip hb

Rest in peace Happy Bitch

RIP HB good for you

by Erinn Mugford February 5, 2017


MIW-Mighty Intergalactic Warriors.

HB+Jew are crazy Mighty Intergalactic Warriors yo.

by Jewtiful January 15, 2009