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A person whose jealousy causes them to act maliciously or say malicious and vindictive things about another person. Mainly because they want that person or what that person has.

"That 40 karat platinum chain is ugly"
"You are such a hater"

by V-el June 7, 2007

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A term originally used to describe someone who constantly derides others success, can be on an individual basis or directed towards an organization or sports team.

Most common though, the term is used by fans of organizations whose actions are unethical or illegal enough to warrant such "hating", and accuse people of being haters instead of actually defending their team.

Jets Fan: The New England Patriots are cheaters, they should have their titles taken away!
Patriots Fan: OMG U A HATER!

Bears Fan: The Indianapolis Colts are a bunch of softies with bandwagon fans. They're a stolen team whose president changed the rules just so passing is easier.

Bears Fan: Brett Favre is overrated. All he does is throw interceptions in playoff games. He needs to retire, because he's just playing for personal glory now.
Packers/Vikings: U JUST A JEALOUS HATER!

Ravens Fan: The Cleveland Browns suck and haven't won anything in forever.
Browns Fan: Yeah, they suck, what's your point?
Ravens Fan: You're not going to call me a hater?
Browns Fan: Why would I?

by BrockyBro April 16, 2010

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Someone who hates EVERYTHING without even knowing sometimes what the hell it is. Most of these things include music, sports, and labels. Most of these people, often have not relized that hate brings nothing but pain.

Hate dosn't give anything, just illusional self-confidence to the hater. It breaks down our society to mindlessly hating something without an opinion of there own because everyone else hates it. It's stupid and should not be done. If you DISLIKE something, that is different, Because that is an opinion, but if you dislike something without knowing shit about it, then your a HATER!

In my life, I've had a Hater hate on Insane Clown Posse, without knowing it was a music group, NBA, without knowing it was a basketball, and goths, thinking that they dress scary to scare people.

by Spikesy July 8, 2006

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Haters (n.)(pl.) - Sordid little girls (also known as stupid bitches) acting out jealous tendencies through the slandering of otherwise hot, popular, and beautiful grown women in an attempt to bring said woman down to the hater level, which is one step below dog shit. Alternate forms - hating (v.), hater (n.)(sing.)

Haters hate and think it's funny...

by Jo Lo March 15, 2007

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haters are people who waste their time voicing their opinions on the people they say they dislike, when in actual fact, if they really hated that certain thing, they would keep away from it.

Haters also backfire on themselves when they retaliate against haters of things they love.

Girl 1: omg you random twats that I don't know are so fucking horrible! I don't really know who you are but I'm going to just say your fricking awful coz i can!

Girl 2: LOL this random twat is hilariously retarded! You call that dancing? it looks like my goldfish trying to backflip! lol!

Girl 1: OI, YOU CAN'T SAY THAT YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HER! In actual fact she is really nice and loves goldfish! Piss off haters!

by Llama Lava Lamps December 27, 2012

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A noun describing an individual who has nothing but negative and bad things to say. While it could refer to someone not on social media, it generally does refer to people on social media (especially twitter and tumbler) that throw insults or hate monger/messaging to you or others.

I cancelled my Twitter account last night because the haters were way to vulgar and a bunch of them were out in full force.

enemy dislike

by TheBigCanucklehead March 13, 2015

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One who is full of hate (as opposed to one who is full of shit).

A superficial, transparent way to delegitimize critics - exactly like the term anti-semite.

A convenient means of identifying massive twats, since nobody else would ever use this word.

You are just a hater!

by Dinosaur Jim February 2, 2016

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