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Canadian Hot Sauce

Refers to the blood that pours out of your rectum from anal sex when the penis bursts open ass polyps.

Bro: I can't believe my girlfriend didn't tell me she had polyps in her ass before I fucked her! I got blood everywhere!

Friend: Should have grabbed some chicken wings to go with that Canadian Hot Sauce.

by Uncle Gary's Potato Farm May 26, 2017

Hot Mexican sauce

When you have a particular beef with someone or when people have drama between each other.

Teena: So you guys have Hot Mexican sauce between yourselves??

Roshan: Yea.... it's not so great Inas is being a real bitch

by Va11needHumor March 17, 2020

Hot sauce

Drugs. Referering to whatever drug you're buying.

Dealer: I got the hot sauce, you ready?

Buyer: Sure, where we gonna meet?

by Hawtsawce April 6, 2018

Hot sauce

That SHIT you put on everything

do you have hot sauce?
Than what am I supposed to put on my Ice cream?
call the Army!!!
on it

by Wet HOt February 3, 2022

Hot sauce

The act of angrily giving someone a piece of your mind, either verbally or by actions. Letting someone know you're pissed off.

When I'm driving in the car and someone in front of me is driving too slow, I lay on the horn and give them the hot sauce!

by backdrft76 August 14, 2022