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Jiggly Puff

8th grade math teacher Mrs.Baker. Mother of wiggly tuff.

Damn, jiggly puff needs to get her mullet trimmed.

by Tootsie March 30, 2005

7๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jiggly Cock Special

The Jiggly cock special takes place during sexual intercourse. The male forces his partners mouth open and pees in it. He then turns around and uses her mouth as a toilet and proceeds to take a shit inside of her mouth. Once his bowels are empty, he turns around and with his jiggly cock, he begins to stir and mix the concoction. Once the lumps are stirred efficiently, the male walks as far away from the bed as possible and with a running start, jumps inside of his partners vagina with his cock jiggling egregiously midair whilst screaming โ€œAWWW GRANDMAAA!โ€

My breath still tastes like shit from when sean performed a jiggly cock special on me.

by Jigglycock December 28, 2021

11๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

idaho jiggly puff

It is a huge booty that is so soft if someone lays on it there head sinks in half way. Idaho Jiggly puffs are very rare. Some people ask to be smacked by the huge butt. A Idaho Jiggly Puff can be used as a weapon in some cases. Men love Idaho Jiggly Puffs because they are so soft. When it is smacked it looks like ocean waves which can be enjoyable to be smacked by.

DUDE! Did you see that Idaho Jiggly Puff?

Yea man that was awesome I smacked that thing real good it felt awesome!

by DontDo96Do69 February 21, 2017

Jiggly Cunt Basket

a cunt basket that is so loose that it jiggles. Also, favorite insult toward thy council of wookie.

That hand bell player is such a jiggly cunt basket!!!

by ChodeGuzzler March 26, 2009

14๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

jiggly twat

it's just a bloated tubby bloke.. an obese person, if you will.

or a really fat vaginal region

Whoa, look at the size of that jiggly twat.

by plumb December 6, 2007

1๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tennessee Bo Jiggly

When a girls vagina goes inside your penis, preferably while on the floor of a meth lab. Or a log cabin.

I "Tennessee Bo Jigglied" that hoe the other night Raymond.

When I get my biotch to "Tennessee Bo Jiggly", it makes my jiggle wiggle.


Jiggly Jellyfish Butt

The peak of compliments. Named after undeniably the best creature on the planet, the jellyfish, this is a person who's jelly is greater than their sting

Have you met my mom? She's a jiggly jellyfish butt.

Oh my god Becky! Look at her jiggly jellyfish butt!

by The Arachnid April 8, 2020