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A tv station made to destroy good music and turn pieces of art (music) into mainstreambullshit for lidsay lohan wannabe's to dance to.


normal person: "stfu i hate you go die."

by ngshfdgukghdksug February 3, 2008

14๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


A corporation attempting to brainwash teenagers and corrosponding pre-teens and it has even reached young children. It tells us all to bitchslap people with curly hair, 'Next' vegitarians, get plastic surgery to look like Britany Spears and much more repulsive behaviour. Though dubbed 'Music Television' the channel will rarley show music in the hours of the living.

Teen: Hey, mom can I watch the Real World on MTV and fill my mind with junk? Then Next will be on I just LOVE those gay editions!
Mother: You know, Candice, in my day they played music on MTV.
Teen: Uh... Wuteva!

by Suzy of the Xymox Clan May 16, 2005

68๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


A channel devoted to reality programming and catering to its youth infested demographic.

I don't want my MTV. I'd rather have AIDS.

by Duke July 10, 2003

295๐Ÿ‘ 103๐Ÿ‘Ž


MTV is a joke. The people who run have completely destroyed what some people call music. most of the music videos they show are of one hit wonder rappers with now talent whatsoever. They dont play any instruments, they talk along to lyrics they probably didnt even write themselves, which usually consist of mostly words that arent even realy. (EXAMPLES: "jockin" or "ballin"). The songs have no moral meanings besides making cash, shooting people, selling drugs, and screwing black hoes with fat asses. They play these songs over 10 times a day, and for some reason have more than like what 3 channels? The television shows they play are all fake, 100 percent scripted reality tv shows. There are 2 types. In the reality shows the actors are all ditzy, bombshell girls, or jacked, tanned, "hot" guys. In these shows people walk around half naked and cry and bitch about the opposite sex. They are 100 percent fake and convince modern youth that if you arent gorgeous or hot and dont throw up your food everyday you will not prosper in society. The other type of show is the gameshow event. They have the same type of actors, but are based on the most ridiculous shit ever. One person controls all of their pawns who fight for the king/quens(usually a dumbfuck celeb) love. All the actors act like they are over the moon in love to some celeb they dont really know, and cry when they are "eliminated". The shows usually branch off of eachother into other shows, which are exactly the same and are equally retarded.

Basically, MTV is an evil corporation who has brainwashed almost all of America into believing that you have to be exactly like the people on their shows and music videos to be "cool" because that is all that matters. They have also brainwashed every suburban rich little kid that they are thugz and gangsters.

MTV needs to be stopped because they will surely be the downfall of modern society.

by TomfromSCREWtown March 21, 2008

39๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


a stupid channel for stupid people that trys to mix good charlotte backstreet boys and 50 cent together and make a lovely tuna caserol...i am so high right now its not even funny

ok fine so im not high, im just trying to be stupid in a failed attept you make someone laugh.....i think i will go kill myself now

by the bad touch July 29, 2003

80๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


the television station that is responsible for the genocide of good music

if all you play on your station is rap, shitty bands such as good charlotte, celebrity shows, and a show about two idiotic celebrities who happen to be married, you can't really classify yourself as "music" television

by stan February 23, 2005

190๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž


a channel that used to be realy cool and full of cool music untill it started showing more and more stupid shows that have nothing to do with music such as real world, rich girls, etc...mtv2 and mtvh are better...they play actual music.

lets watch mtv
no! thats just stupid shows! howabout mtv2 or mtvh instead?

by liz December 28, 2004

45๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž