A gay 15 year old kid who likes to shove big long bananas up his juicy ass
Andy maces please stop licking my cock
Says the N-Word on a regular basis and loves to take it up the bum. Absolute Fatty. Biggest mass known to man.
Girl 1: OMG is Logan Mace your boyfriend?
Girl 2: *Kills Herself*
the medieval weapon that you use like a club, but it sometimes is a ball and chain
person: hi how are you?
also me: maces person on the head
The official and best ship name(other then “kaydon”ofc)
“Mace is a weapon”trying to ignore the fact that this is happening and btw it was said by Jace (a member of the ship ‘Mace’”
Mace is a shrewd person whose intuition is never wrong.
They are ambivert and most often whether want to hang out with their friends or be alone listening to music.
They love making bad jokes people will laugh to even when they don't find them funny.
You can always count on them and their capacity to evaluate any situation that allows them to be in control.
Even if they don't show it, Mace needs you in their life so be here for them like they are for you.
Mace can detect traps from miles away
Mace is a cheating guy that cheats on his girlfriend with more than multiple girls with double chins and ugly rolls.
The wee shop cross from coop in gtown on spey thats kinda a shithole.. good chikcen doe