A comback to my dad owns roblox
Robloxian 1- my dad owns roblox
Robloxian 2 -my mom owns minecraft
my mom is literally the worst mother ever, even when logic makes since
ever since that day, my mom got me pregnant
When you tell your son to say hi to people he encounters.
Son: “Mom, please stop calling me. I am late for class”.
Mom: Sorry. Tell the professor mom says hi and that I’m sorry I made you late.
Mom after class: how did it go?
Son: the professor marked me late, but he says hi back.
Situation 2:
Son: “I gotta go, I’m next in line at the drive thru”
Mom: “okay, sorry to bug you. Tell the drive thru mom says hi”.
Son: I will.
Son to drive thru speaker: I’ll take a #2 with a Dr Pepper, and my mom says hi.
Drive thru host: okay drive thru to the first window and say hello to your mom.
Son callls mom back: drive thru host says hello.
Situation 3:
Son: mom I have to go I’m headed to a game
Mom: tell everyone I say hi.
Son after game: Hi mom, everyone says hi back.
Mom: oh good!
A fucking discord bit that has sex with our moms to make our tupperbox children/siblings/assholes.
Tupperbox/my mom's boyfriend: Tupper Registered!
Mom: Yes.
Legit the whole discord server: A child.
1👍 1👎
Said most by teens became their mom wasn’t nice to them or a mire deep route im not willing to wrote cuz who even writs allat. Yall are not real
“I hate my mom” said when you feel like you hate your mom for breathing the wrong way or possibly wronging you and destroying your life, so much in between