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Brad Pitt Shower

When you don't have enough time to take a regular shower so you use baby wipes to clean your body. Made popular by Brad Pitt that stated when he gets sweaty, he rubs baby wipes under his armpits.

I didn't have time to shower after the gym so I took a Brad Pitt Shower.

by joolee September 23, 2012

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Brad Pitt - Sexual

The lust-worthy attraction to the male god known as William Bradley Pitt. Anyone who suffers from such ailment can never get over such attraction and really, who would want to?

"What is your sexual orientation?" says Paco

"Brad Pitt - Sexual... Obviously." says Mo Barb

by Paul Rud June 9, 2013

The Brad Pitt Theory

The concept that all men, no matter what sexual orientation they practice, are gay for Brad Pitt.

"If I were gay, I would choose Brad Pitt as my lover."

by Chris Lee Ian Chambers May 17, 2004

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Brad Pitt's Law

If you ask a girl out on a specific day, and she declines without countering with a different day, it means she is not interested.

You: "I asked a girl out on saturday, but she said she was busy"
Friend: "Did she say when she would be available?"
You: "No, but she seemed busy, for sure."
Friend: "She's just not interested, it's Brad Pitt's Law."

by OV_Furious October 5, 2014

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Blog Brad Pitt

Whether a professional or amature; a Blog Brad Pitt or BBP is a person that is themselves very ugly, but chooses to point out any and all flaws in other people. An example of a BBP is Perez Hilton; who is a celebrity blogger that writes unfunny comments over celebrity photos. Perez himself is extremely ugly, but he blogs about the flaws; even minor flaws, of celebrities. He will point out the smallest of wrinkles or pockets of body fat, which just furthers the impossible standard of beauty that both men and women are forced to deal with on a daily basis. So a Blog Brad Pitt makes foolish, inconsiderate comments about someone else's looks, when they have nowhere near a Brad Pitt-Type model look. Most, if not all of these comments are made over the Internet through Blogs and Forums; where a person can bash someone else from safely behind a computer screen.

(Man 1) Holy crap man did you see those bikini photos of Mandy Moore?! (Man 2) F**K Yeah! She looked thick! But that stupid Blog Brad Pitt said she looked fat! (Man 1) Fat? what? Because she's not 82 pounds?! (Man 2) Yeah but you should have seen the blogger. The guy was 400 pounds with a total Meth Face!! He must not have a mirror.

by the2ndflood July 28, 2008

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Brad Pitt

The patron saint and putative Godfather of the viral shock video cakefarts.com stemming from his cameo in the cult movie Fight Club. In it Pitt discusses what happens if one farts in a meringue pie, adding that it absorbs the smell so it won't stink up the room.

Brad Pitt is renowned worldwide of hatching a monster by discussing the merits of farting into baked goods on his famous Fight Club flick

by Dick Peter Johnson-Suarez July 19, 2011

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Brad Pitt's Law

A bias used during sexual harassment argument. Brad Pitt's Law dictates that women have the right to feel sexually harassed when the person giving the compliment is not good looking. If it came from good looking stud, they are accepted as compliments.

Why did that guy got suspended for calling her female colleague pretty? Duhh.. Brad Pitt's law, if he aint good looking liks Brad Pitt, its harassment. If he had looked like Brad Pitt, she would probably send him nudes the next day.

by MetaRyuk January 14, 2023

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