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She lights up every room she walks into. She is stunningly beautiful, even when she doesn’t wear makeup. An Sadie can make someone smile for hours, and want to be her best friend. Although she may not seem like it, she is a natural leader, with everyone wanting to listen to her. An Sadie had a glow of happiness around her, making anyone she knows fall in love with her smile. She is the kind of girl that you can’t get over. Sadie Is a loveable, sweet human being who you can’t stay mad at for long. No one can help but falling in love with her, even when she is mean or selfish, I choose her.

She lights up every room she walks into. She is stunningly beautiful, even when she doesn’t wear makeup. An Sadie can make someone smile for hours, and want to be her best friend. Although she may not seem like it, she is a natural leader, with everyone wanting to listen to her. An Sadie had a glow of happiness around her, making anyone she knows fall in love with her smile. She is the kind of girl that you can’t get over. Sadie Is a loveable, sweet human being who you can’t stay mad at for long. No one can help but falling in love with her, even when she is mean or selfish, I choose her. #mine

by October 21, 2021

1👍 18👎


Sadie is such a selfish girl and a very messy person. She thinks she’s really popular but is really a big horse girl. Sadie thinks she has all the boys too and won’t leave them alone. You might start off as good friends with her but later on you’ll see all her lies.

Sadie is such a selfish girl and a very messy person. She thinks she’s really popular but is really a big horse girl. Sadie thinks she has all the boys too and won’t leave them alone. You might start off as good friends with her but later on you’ll see all her lies.

by jj.plays.football.kk March 15, 2020

2👍 19👎


A complete scrub, really annoying and pisses anyone off

"Omg look it's a Sadie, aka as a complete scrub

by Dabbbbbbb November 26, 2016

3👍 51👎


Sadie is pretty and may seem nice but on the inside, SHES A DEVIL she plans to become best friends with u but then stab u in the back. Watch out for her, because she is smarter than u think.

"That's a Sadie"

by Miracles happen February 12, 2019

2👍 53👎


is always a bitch, she has her moments where she is kind and then she grows jealous and greedy

Blake : yo sadie how are you
Sadie : oh im goo-.... fuck you Blake you asshole

by Urbandoctionary123 December 3, 2018

3👍 55👎


The definition of an asshole 👌🏻

Wow Sadie is quite an ass

by Oof13 September 1, 2018

4👍 99👎


She is so atheistic, funny, diabetic and loves people with mullets. She also thinks she good at basketball, and can beat up everyone. She friends with everyone and is a all around good person

He has a mullet he must be dating that Sadie girl

by Bobby jay December 27, 2019

1👍 20👎