Source Code

university sorting

This is the process where universities are arranged in groups depending on the courses they have to offer, school fee amount and other differentiating factors.

His father used the University sorting to find the perfect school for him

by Chinwe uzoma February 17, 2023

#nenja#h2r #baek esprd mument #vairal#sort#video #espered#200#Alight#motionfor#love

#nenja#h2r #baek esprd mument #vairal#sort#video #espered#200#Alight#motionfor#love

#nenja#h2r #baek esprd mument #vairal#sort#video #espered#200#Alight#motionfor#love

by November 3, 2023


good looking and just perfect

your a sort

by …………….. January 3, 2022


make something arrange with specific standard

What do you see now?
Umm... I just see sorting argorithm, it's so dreamlike.

by Canaria December 9, 2019

What sort of God would make you kill kids?


Hym "What sort of God would make you kill kids? The Christian one does that all the time! Sometimes he kills them himself! How many people died in the flood? All of them? Yours! That one! Literally every kid that dies of cancer or disease is the victim of God's eternal maiming of humanity."

by Hym Iam November 7, 2023

Bubble Sort

Bubble Sort (AKA Sinking Sort) is a type of sorting algorithm. Bubble sort is only slightly effective when the list's order is already nearly correct. It's best at short lists but takes a very long time on large and extensive lists. Use this information for nothing :)

Things no Programmer has ever said before:
Programmer: I'm gonna use Bubble Sort for this extremely large and extensive list of all the words that are in Onelook
If you have said this, your dumber than a rock.

by Tristan reads the dictionary November 14, 2022

sorted or thwarted

successfully completing a task or not

How'd it go at the benefits office? Sorted or thwarted?

by sorted or thwarted October 21, 2018