A hornet is a person used to distract a target. In emotional, social or intellectual warfare, a person either disguises themselves or employs others as “hornets” to use sexually provocative means to lure an individual, often an ex-partner or someone for which the person deploying the hornets holds a grudge, into revealing information that could potentially be used against them.
Hornets are human tools design to covertly seduce a person into incriminating themselves in some way- often accompanying what is referred to as “honey-potting”.
- Tyler sent me nudes.
- Whaaat? Is he gay?! How the hell did you pull that one?
- … let’s just say he got stung by one of my hornets.
A slang for a thot/304 that lives in the city of Charlotte, NC
I'm going to check out a hornets home game & maybe get with one of these harlot hornets out here
A less vulgar way to say "fuck off". I personally coined the phrase and used it once or twice on some motormouth who rubbed me the wrong way. Hornets are mean, six-legged bastards, even meaner than their cousins: the wasps.
Shemp: You couldn't let me do it. You had to gum up the works.
Larry: Ah, go stick your head in a hornet's nest.
Instead of playing games with your friends, you simp for a girl, and get off to car porn
Why does Kyle always have to be a dark hornet
The physical of putting your middle finger (stinky finger) in a girls booty.
Cody gave Tori a butt hornet last night and then she dies of orgasmic pleasure.
A pretenious girl that no one likes who finds a fascination in queefing around others.
Damn man, that new girl Felicia is a queef hornet.
Someone with an evil looking face. Typically have a dagger nose and a devil like smirk. Their chin would puncture you and their eyes will wreck your soul
Susan has such a hornet face, what a nasty bitch
Holy shit! Look at that hornet face! she should get plastic surgery.