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Simple Chapter and Verse

A bible reference that one may use in a real-life situation to simplify a long-winded statement or decision by breaking it down in short form. (a.k.a simple chapter and verse).

Guy 1: You're going.
Guy 2: No I'm not.

Guy 1: Lemme break it down to you in simple chapter and verse, you're going!

by the wedding crasher March 25, 2011

Simple Chapter and Verse

A bible reference that one may use in a real-life situation to simplify a long-winded statement or decision by breaking it down in short form. (a.k.a simple chapter and verse).

Guy 1: You're going.
Guy 2: No I'm not.
Guy 1: Lemme break it down to you in simple chapter and verse, you're going!

by The Wedding Crasher April 11, 2011

I got mad verse.

I’m really excited.

I got mad verse.. My old lady gave birth to my child.

by Geoffrey Giraffe February 19, 2025


A spell written on the side of a house to ward off fire. (Dialect. Obsolete.)

Joseph Wright. The English dialect dictionary, London: Henry Frowde (1898-1905), s.v. arse-verse. (archive.org/embed/in.ernet.dli.2015.13022)
Available on-line at eddonline4-proj.uibk.ac.at

by BoarGules July 13, 2024

Naruto is tree level verse

When an anime verse can't beat a tree

Are you saying that Naruto characters can beat One Piece characters??Naruto is tree level verse

by ShakaReviews November 27, 2023

in Versed veritas

Derived from the Latin expression "in vino veritas" (in wine, truth). Describes the truth serum-like affect of Versed on a medical patient.

Dude1: "When the doctor gave me Versed before my surgery I started saying the weirdest things."

Dude2: "In Versed veritas!"

by RobinGoodfellow1 July 30, 2016

gacha verse

an old character creating game made by lunime

jimmy: "yeah i love gacha verse"
billy: "me too ! wanna see my oc?"

by Judie🫢 April 30, 2023