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An example of orangized theft and genocide.

Are you going to join the Mafia?

No, I'm gonna become a Catholic.

by nighthawk January 15, 2005

71๐Ÿ‘ 74๐Ÿ‘Ž


Ideas that tell people to be satisfied with not understanding the world.

Religion is a plague.

by Keijiro October 24, 2006

71๐Ÿ‘ 76๐Ÿ‘Ž


Somehting that ruins the world. It's responsible for all major wars and has caused suffering and death of millions of people. This world would be a much better place with out religion. Religion has caused more bad then good. Religious people do good things for selfish reason (ie fear of god or reward from god). People only follow religion cause their too weak-minded to accept that we don't know what happens after we die, it comforts them to think there is an afterlife. But the truth is we don't know and can't know untill we die. This world could progress in science and intelligence if religion was abolished. People would appreciate life more and there'd be alot less violence.

From everything I've seen religion has harmed more than helped.

by GreatestBryanever November 3, 2007

51๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž


The manmade rules and biggest misconspetion known to man.
All of the core religions are based on the same thing! peace, compassion, truth. yet we start wars for religion. "thou shalt not kill" probley something mister high and mighty president would know if He had read the bible...or read period..
Fuck the American Jihadd. this is not war of campassion..there is no god in war.

"I have no where to turn, religion is all I have left"

"Fuck the American Jihadd. this is not war of campassion..there is no god in war."

by Icarus_of_deus March 23, 2006

60๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž


A con that has lasted an eon of time. Which proves still how uneducated and primitive the human race is. Religion itself is evil being the cause of so much blood shed throughout the years.

Religion itself was created by a paraniod soul who found away to strike fear into the hearts of people by creating a fictional character called 'God' and claimed he was 'Real' the uneducated mass of people did believe this and have done for some time now.

Religion in reality is just a way to bully people around, lay down a set of rules to keep them in line, and have them punished with fear of going to 'hell' if they do wrong.

Something for confused lost people to follow to take the sting of a lonely, pathectic sop story of a life that death will eventually claim and whom no will care.

Something some people use as an excuse to dominate another country. I.E. Muslim man says Christmas tree offends my faith. Tells the British left wing Labour Government. Blair bends over backwards to make sure these forgein slimes get what they want and doesn't give to fucks about his own people.

Hey man I've just coverted my Religion to Islam, they gave me this piece of crap dress, told me to grow a beard, gave my signed copy of the Quoran and a pic n' mix of Semtex and C4.

by Jamie the Atheist February 7, 2006

59๐Ÿ‘ 63๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most popular type of organization on the face of the planet. And a force of extreme orientation. Motivator of history and mover of the masses. All religions are based on very similar doctirines (usually founding morals that are fun to argue about) and a theory of why we are here and who created us. Unfourtunately religion is such a strong force of orientation and deals in so many ultimates (gods unquestioned will, good and evil,life after death) that it can cause people to become unquestioning of their own beliefs. Which can be very destructive (see Ellie Weisels Preface in "Night" for a profound acount of what happens when people dont ask questions). Religion, although capable of many wonderfull things with its sense of community and task, can become very destructive when it becomes simply "about itself". Especially when people become polarized by religous/ social/ political trends. Religion can be a great thing if wielded with an inteligent and questioning outlook, and not one that only seeks comfort. Those who critisize religion should ask themselves if their own objections to religion (although justified) haven't become just as militant as the beliefs they oppose.

Also, Jehovas witnesses are way to excited about an apocalypse.

Religion.......see also a good reason to have a fund raiser, kill someone, mutilate the genitals, be compassionate.

by Po Ivey August 11, 2006

49๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž


The catalyst responsible for nearly every war.

Religion? Infidels? Quick, to the batmobile.

by vvlad June 9, 2006

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