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pseudo intellectual

a dull, characterless individual who hides their complete and utter lack of personality behind long, fancy words and phrases, most of which they looked up on thesaurus.com during their many hours of spare time

pseudo intellectuals are often sexually-deprived basement dwellers or lazy teenagers who moderate an online forum or chat room

reveling in their heightened cyber-status and demonstrating bogus levels of self-confidence and self-esteem they could never muster away from the shield of a computer screen, they belittle less frequent internet users - often targeting their spelling or grammar - when in fact their own issues are ten times worse

a pseudo intellectual relies on his or her artificial web-authority to convince them self that they don't have a vacous, doleful and uninteresting life when the truth is that they'll never achieve anything away from their computer

ask a pseudo intellectual about something which requires an original, individual thought process and they'll show their true colours

james: hey whats up
Ryan.: I type everything in full sentences, and use excessive punctuation. I'm smart.
james: what do u think of obamas foreign policy?
Ryan.: Bush's speeches were funny, LMFAO. Now fuck off, newbie.
james: lol pseudo intellectual

by gunnerman1 February 4, 2011

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Someone who uses flashy words and quotes from intellectuals to make them sound a bit more clever than they really are because they don't have original thoughts for themselves.

Also see: pretentious

That bloke thinks he's a nihilith - yet he doesn't know anything.

by Kelly Osbourne's Gimp April 25, 2005

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intellectual disability

Is a term used by medical professionals today to diagnose people who have cognitive impairments ranging from mild intellectual disability to severe intellectual disability. scientist claim that the most likely cause of intellectual disability is either an infection during pregnancy, and or and environmental trigger such as mercury and or a traumatic brain injury, or TBI

"My God, why are you in special ed?"

"I have a form of an intellectual disability, that require special accommodations for me to learn at the same rate as everyone else.the doctor said that my IQ is not really affected by much but I have a significant learning disability that is linked to my autism. you do know what autism is right?

"yeah, my older brother has autism in a matter of fact my mom says he has Aspergers Syndrome, is that what you have as well?"

Well, yeah I have aspergers as well as ADHD OCD and because I was being bullied so much and called "retard" all the time I also suffer from depression and anger problems now. I'm actually being sent to the principal's office right now for getting the fight last week. some kid called me the R word and when I asked him to apologize he punched me in the face. I retaliated by throw my backpack in his face and calling him some very bad words as well which I do deserve to be going out to the principal's office for and I really don't want to repeat what I said to that kid you should have seen how I was yelling at him and cursing him out!

"Damn, you must have been pissed! You're lucky you want me I would have made sure he got a bloody nose not just a backpack thrown at him and being cursed out, you don't deserve to be going to the principal's office you should be held as a hero for standing up for yourself!I will be your advocate to make sure you don't get suspended or expelled or even get any detention.

by autistic nerd 1991 March 10, 2015

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intellectual thug

A new breed of thug. The "intellectual" thug if you will. This type of fellow wants to break free from the gangster-shoot em up, fuck this, fuck that, grab some bitches stereotype. He will try to impress you with his knowledge and skills in some area-usually music but sincerely emphasizes that he's not aiming to perpetuate the stereotype. The catch: he will still have the same agenda as said stereotypical thugs-get rich and famous and have the women and glamour and is sneakily trying to draw you in with a "no games, playing it real" philosophy.

You can recognize said "intellectual thug" in the first few moments of a conversation.
Girl walking by "intellectual thug"
IThug: "Excuse me sweetheart but I must be honest you are beautiful"
Girl: "Thanks"-continues walking
IThug: "I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be rude just trying to share some wisdom with you. I'm not all about that typical stuff. I didn't mean to offend you"
Girl: initially surprised by politeness responds "it's fine"
IThug: "Whats your name?"
Girl: "insert name"-surprised by the lack of comments about body-becomes dazed and confused and is caught
IThug: "Well if i could just have a moment of your time, i'd like you to listen to something"- and then will go into either a rant about state of life and how he will change the world or will offer a sample of music, spoken word or some other art form, will acquire phone number and continue to play intellectual until comfort level established and then the sexual innuendos will commence

by Lani November 17, 2005

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Intellectual rap

Da shit dat I write it's real dope/I'm da nigga who's real talented/this is my culture I paint pictures/Its da intellectual rap,,by unknown rapper "B-City"

Intellectual rap..Unknown MC from NY reppin Virginia"B-City da king" wit dope ass skills..

by B-City February 3, 2020

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intellectually inept

Person having the ability to reason and understand but makes decisions and choices not suibable to the purpose.

Person's rent is due but no matter they take 1/2 the money and get a tatoo saying the landlord won't mind. Later that afternoon they decide to buy beer and go to the beach because the landlord won't like getting half the rent. Rest of week is spent avoiding the landlord. Finally landlord catches up with the renter and has him evicted on the basis that he is intellectually inept and this pattern will likely continue.

by Jane Barb January 17, 2012

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Intellectually Disabled

The politically correct term for "mentally retarded." It became more widespread after the word "retard", originally used to describe a person who legitimately has an abnormally low IQ, was gradually used more and more as a pejorative term for people who suffer from developmental disorders.

"My cousin has an IQ of 62. He is intellectually disabled."

by Someone who kinda exists January 18, 2023