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ethnically lesbian

Queer Spawn born of lesbian-identifying parents.

"Being ethnically lesbian means I was taught masculinity by a butch, so I still bottle up my emotions but when they boil over I'll just cry instead of hitting you and asking for another beer"

by Dyspros August 17, 2024

Ethnic Sexy

When someone embraces their ethnicity and looks attractive doing it

1. ‘Wow she looks so good with that bold red lip, she’s so ethnic sexy
2. ‘She looks so ethnic sexy. I overlooked her’

by Ethnic zayna May 31, 2024

darawiish ethnicity

the darawiish ethnicity is the tribal grouping collectively known as SSC-Khatumo

he assumed I was of the darawiish ethnicity

by Bobbystrurrew May 16, 2023

ethnic wear

An attire that you wear to work upon invitation or instuction, to celebrate an occasion; but then you still have to work without much celebration. Also it may cause rashes at the end of the day.

Worker 1: Tomorrow we have to wear *ethnic wear* to office.
Worker 2: Yes, the regional HR manager has made a Rangoli too.

by Offtrepreneur November 12, 2022

Ethnic Friend

Someone who's friend's with someone on the basis of having the same or similar ethnicity/cultural background as them.

Adrian's an ethnic friend of Leo cause they're both Greek.

by ScaryTheory June 16, 2020

ethnic chips

Chips widely enjoyed by people of color. Includes flaminhot Cheetos, honey barbecue chips and pretty much all of them with flavor. Don’t bring those seasoningless chips over here.

Becky: I have original Lays! Is that okay?

No, Becky. Ethnic chips only.

by littytittytweetythimba February 27, 2018

Ethnic Tax

An ethnic tax is the additional degree of attractiveness a non-white individual in a predominantly white society may feel they must possess to be perceived as equally attractive as their white peers.

Despite being conventionally attractive, the actress felt she had to overcome an ethnic tax in Hollywood to be considered for leading roles.

by Nenticul May 21, 2024