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Southern Hospitality

Not letting the whole world know what you n your boo do behind closed doors :p

My mom taught me to never tell my friends who I’ve done the dirty with. It’s simple southern hospitality.

by Countrybumpkin69420 January 16, 2020

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hippie hospitality

The act of showing a general, warmth, or friendliness to ideas considered to be part of the hippie counter cultural movement,; usually pertaining to the act of sharing and or providing support to the use of drugs.

I went over to Jim's house he had already rolled a dozen joints and offered one to everyone, whilst his mother baked munchies for the party. That is true hippie hospitality man!

Sally was having a difficult trip so Jim showing his hippie hospitality sat with her and comforted her the entire night reassuring her that she would be alright.

by That_Dirty_Hippie January 21, 2012

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Mental hospital

What flat earthers need to go to

No example for mental hospital

by Ican2 January 8, 2023

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Veterans Hospital

AKA horse-pital worse hospitals in USA managed by white heads

OH! Lord have mercy on me! Please don't force me go Veterans Hospital.
Man u's just lucky to walk out alive.

VA hospital has king midas touch in reverse, they ram butt plug up ass and your mouth, then ask U what wrong?

by itichie_nocanpo October 6, 2006

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aggressive hospitality

hospitality in various parts of the planet earth that involves forced ritual eating or drinking, often involving multiple toasts ... this is particularly experienced in the Caucasus Mountain region ...

When I was in former Soviet Georgia, I was subjected to aggressive hospitality at a feast. I remember it vaguely, but it is the best vague memory I have ever had.

by kvishkhetidan July 29, 2009

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Southern Hospitality

Two words that should not be put in the same sentence

All these white trash people down here in the South really know what southern hospitality is. There so nice to your face then act like douche bags behind your back! Oh, how I love Southern Hospitality!

by Fxdasouth April 25, 2011

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Christ's Hospital

Christ's Hospital is a boarding school for nonces who fink they are it. Most of them are either spoilt brats or road people and if you are not careful they will cast a spell on you to make you disappear. The year 11s think they are bad and the year 12s are worse but the absolute worst years is the year 7s and 8s them man be linking and acting too big for their boots.

If you want to look like a Harry Potter character and is so unbelievably entitled to everything go to Christ's Hospital.

by Anonymousbishnextdoor April 30, 2020

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