Possibility Advocacy
1. The practice or profession of encouraging and assisting individuals or groups to explore and embrace potential opportunities and possibilities, often through structured coaching, guidance, and motivational support.
2. A process or approach aimed at fostering personal and professional growth by helping people identify, pursue, and achieve their aspirations and goals.
Note: Possibility Advocacy differs from coaching, which usually focuses on developing specific skills or achieving particular goals, and therapy, which addresses emotional and psychological issues. Instead, Possibility Advocacy centers on inspiring and facilitating the exploration of new opportunities and potential.
Example: His work in Possibility Advocacy has transformed the lives of thousands of professionals in the Silicon Valley seeking career advancement.
Example: Her work in Possibility Advocacy transforms the working relationships between and within teams, making them more compassionate, empathetic, focused, and committed.
Survival kit contains items that allow the possiblity of survival in minimalist conditions such as in the wilderness or after a natural disaster.
Nate never went into the woods without his possible bag.
The food operator cannot guarantee the food served will be free from gluten. This means gluten may or may not be present in the food.
I ate at that restaurant which shows 'gluten friendly possible' and it was fine for me. Nice food!
I liked eating at this food place because of the gluten friendly possible sticker, which suggests they have awareness on the gluten topic.
Hating someone so much you hope they die to the cartel
Person 1 : Fuck you i hope you die
Person 2 : I hope the cartel kills you in the most brutal way possible
Person 1 : :(
amazing, funny, cute, happy person,
Friend: "Hey you're a possibly alan!" You: "Thank you man!"
The term Biggest Possible Oof refers to the biggest and loudest Oof possible in this Universe. This is even bigger than the MEGA OOF. The term can also be used as onomatopoeia.
Bro 1: Yo bro, ya girl just cheated on ya
Bro 1: Also Trump got president
Bro 2: Biggest Possible Oof
Someone you think you like romantically and they might too but you are seeing each other as “friends”. The most potentially rewarding and deeply terrifying part of any new relationship. Not trying to just hook up but not ready to use the L word. Noticing you are having “feelings” for someone who is just a hangout buddy. Do they feel the same?
I’m seeing that girl again this weekend. I’m starting to feel FWP (Friends with Possibilities) energy but not sure if she just wants me as a friend (worse, sibling). Should I make my feelings clear and risk losing her or just wait and see where it goes? Argggh!