Nya means purpose in both the Gaelic and Swahili languages
I have discovered my nya in life.
Can break your bed just by sitting on it and always asks for food when he just finished eating.
"Who broke my bed and stole my 4 bags of chips ?"
"It was probably Nya"
"Yeah that fat white oval"
Nya is one of the people who is Short as fuck that is a size of a elf, secretly Santa’s 1st Elf in the north poll. Nya always have a attitude, know it all Smartass attitude, and the quiet kid back in BHS, watch out for her
I’ve seen Nya before but only with a microscope
the cutest girl sometimes she is shy but when you get to know her she will be goofy and very talkative. Nyas also are not mean they are nice and naturally pretty
James: I met a nya last night
Lamar: good for you
nya is a cat noise
nya is a song as well
kawaii people like to use the song nya in there audio
"nya nya nya"
it means need you advice when your flipping homework is hardest hell and you're pissed off and need advice
NYA please help
The definition of NYA is hi, this is only used for people who are amazing and part of the clown club. If you aren't part of the clown club and you say this word then you are basically saying that you are a dirty old rat.
Amazing person: NYA
Another amazing person: NYA