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arizona prairie

When you smear poop on your balls and then t-bag someone.

It smells bad when you arizona prairie a girl or guy.

by gltblt June 24, 2011

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Prairie Dog

When a man inserts his penis into the trachetomy hole of another person and the tip of the penis pokes up thru the individuals mouth, just like a prairie dog.

Bob vigorously wiped sweat from his brow having just performed a prairie dog on Bib.

by M & M Productions June 7, 2011

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prairie city

Fucking shit hole in eastern Oregon with a whole bunch of inbred mother fuckers, literally mother fuckers. Kids are all high and do crack. About 6 black people. About 3 families here so something is going on.

Prairie city is a shithole.

by suckmypenismaam April 11, 2017

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Prairie Fairy

A stout homosexual whose origins are of the prairie Provinces or States. They are often associated with an apathetic and generally unpleasant personality as well as a facile nature. They quite frequently have small feet.

John: "Hey did you see Riley just now? He showed up to the party wearing overalls..."

Mike: "Yeah Riley is definitely a Prairie Fairy... look he wears a size 6..."

by Swimboi July 14, 2011

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prairie fever

The opposite of jungle fever, to lust after a white woman or man

I don't know what's gotten into Janice she seems to have prairie fever the way she's chasing these white men

by Miss Raymond if you're nasty November 23, 2014

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prairie pop

A sound that originated in the early 90's in the Midwest United States. Bands include Wilco and Dive. Mixes acoustic guitars and raw vocals with tweedy electric guitar sounds. The bands typcially have a devoted fan base that is drawn in by the inspirational lyrics, light face stubble and physiques that are larger than their punk brethren.

Dive's sound is a subtle midwest mixture of prairie pop and glam rock.

by Mike Laurie June 7, 2006

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clinton prairie

A school that stole everything but the school colors from the golden gophers.

Clinton Prairie
Mascot: Gopher (that looks like it is on steroids)
School Colors: Black and Red
School Song Minnesota Rouser
Location: In the middle of nowhere.

Random Guy A: What school did you go to?
Random Guy B: Clinton Prairie.
Random Guy A: Where is that?
Random guy B: Exactly.

by InsaneGreyWolf July 21, 2009

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