The best hot chips in the world.spicy hot that you would love and eat every day non stop.smells good.
Guess what I brought takis
Wow those are really hot and good
A delicious spicy rolled tortilla chip with spicy powder.
James liked eating takis, he was immune to spice.
takis are hot amazing chips that baddies eat period
Calm down Jamal dont pull out the takis
National get takis day is on June 23rd
Man: hey do you know what day it is
Teen: no?
Man: Its national get takis day
Teen: whoa dude i love takis
Man: heres some money
Teen: Thanks man ill be back
Man: *Proud of him self*
Takis are the best
Somalian fraudster living off tap-ins and self-proclaimed verdicts on goals that hadn't in actual fact crossed over the goal line.
Thinks he is an LFC fan and runs a football twitter account with absolutely zero engagement.
Warra non tap-in goal for TAKI !