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pogo stick

Similar to the moped (fun to ride but you dont want your friends to see you on it) a pogo stick is a girl or guy so god awful that you bounce on them once then discard them and never play with them again

I picked your mom up at the bar. I hopped on that pogo stick for a couple hours and tossed her out like a parking ticket.

by Craig and Jimmy May 2, 2007

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Pogo me

A substitute phrase for fuck me. It's as simple as that. However, in other terms, it may be suggested as something to eat, like a side dish, or side salad.

Jason wanted to pogo me hard on Aimee's bed while she was down stairs.

by Adri. C January 17, 2006

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yogo pogo

While composing email, txt, or IM, an amazing statement using incorrect grammar that produces a laugh, for example a parapraxis (Freudian slip)...
A slip up, that is amazing and clever that drives home a point.
Is energizing, funny, and makes your side hurt after many belly laughs!

Your female friend tells you about a mutual friend getting engaged... she says "wow, it is an amazing 'rock'!"
You then state to your friend, "I would love to give you an amazing cock..." funny but true, "now thats yogo pogo!"

by sir spellz allot May 3, 2010

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Pogo handout

An insanely astronomically improbable dice roll outcome that results in an unfair battle outcome in the Pogo.com board game 'RISK'.

EX: 18 guys attack 12 guys, and loses only 5 guys in the process, where the loss should have been much more.

EX: 7 guys attacks 1 guy, but the attacker still loses the battle because the defender rolls 6 sixes in a row.

Defender: "How the hell did you only lose 5 guys?" "You only had 18 guys to my 12!"

Attacker: "What? That's fair."

Defender: "You're an idiot. That's clearly a Pogo handout"

by RANDOM19831983 February 10, 2014

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pogo sticking

When he sits on your face and fucks your mouth

Girl he was pogo sticking my mouth so hard that i choked!

by poca_girl September 21, 2016

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Pogo stick jive

The act of violent sexual intercourse, woman on top, as defined by J-Rod.

Melanie and Alex were walking into the woods to do the Pogo stick jive after school.

by Mad Myk October 11, 2009

Pogo cha cha

Remplaces the word bozo.

AKA Charles-Alexandre MΓ©rineau's nickname

-You are such a pogo cha cha
-OMG it's very not nice

by Pogo cha cha enjoyer September 6, 2022