The flying ant things that come in and invade your home, and then shed their wings all over your house
Can you vacuum up the anti wingy thingys off the floor please
As opposed to dimension thingie,a dimension THINGY is the giant keyboard with all the magic dimension buttons you see in sci-fi apprently.
Person 1:"That's the dimension thingy."
Person 2:"No it's not it's a TARDIS console."
Person 1: >:(
What you say when you know what you are thinking of but can’t think of the word.
Teacher, “That sentence needs a … thinga majigger thingy!”
Student, “Do you mean a period?”
Two words to fill a gap when you cannot think of the word that fills said gap.
The thingy wotsit was there a minute ago, but now it’s gone. Where’s the thingy wotsit gone?
something you call when you forget what the thing is
“hey dad pass me that thingy thing please”
Insert blinky gif:
Removed it before someone gets (whatever the thingy is called they warn people for blinking lights) -Execut 2022
What you use to say you want your besties for more then a lifetime
Bestie Appreciation thingy:), goes to all the people I couldn't live without luv u