To date a mentally handicapped Italian just because you’re worried he’ll die in the wild on his own.
“Yo did you see that guys girlfriend” “yea man that’s definitely a Jelly Welly situation”
To have sex a.k.a. Knocking boots
‘Ayo we finna whack wellies tonight or what?’
A person who may have hundreds of pictures of themselves on Facebook or a similar service. However, none of these pictures truly show what the person really looks like thanks to the use of camera angles, bad self-pics and other cheap visual tricks. This underhanded ploy is a favorite of the 'salad-shy' and those afflicted with 'a lovely personality.' Invented by Stephen Gude, Professor Emeritus at UCSC, USA.
"There are 150 pictures of this girl on her Myspace... NONE of which show that she is not fat or ugly. Think of the incredible effort this must have taken. How is that possible? What a horrible nerd-o-welly."
"Gina weighs 300 pounds in real life... Why does her facebook make her look like Jessica Biel. What is goddamn nerd-o-welly!"
A "Felly Welly" is an evolution or a new stage of "Felly" used for a new nickname or name in general, having many stages and forms and is able to go on forever and more with new names rhyming with "Felly" including "elly" in it to give justice and remembrance to the first stage of this evolution.
"Hey Felly Welly, how are you?"
"Shut the fuck up Felly Welly"
"Hey Felly Welly shall we give you a new name?"
"You're gay Felly Welly."
"Felly Welly is the Felliest Felly doing the Welliest of Wellying!"
A condom
Have you got a willy welly in your handbag for me I'm a man and I forgot mine.