something Ellie Pierce CANT DO
she failed at using breathing techniques when around a certain someone
What I calll homo-sapien who are addicted to perianal abscesses.
Person 1: Are you addicted to perianal abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: The Breath Of A Thyroid Is A Perianal Abscess: The First Juvenile Release...and we call it "calcium" (scleras)
(n.) someone who has been caught in the act of gossiping.
Named after the stank lingering on the breath of someone who just uttered a filthy rumor. Often, friends will go out of the way to avoid a gossip breath out of fear of being featured in their next rumor.
I could smell Erin's rank gossip breath from behind my back.
A "Mainah" (Maine) term for a cock sucker.
Whatevah, that guy's a fuckin' peckah-breath!
When you fuck that popsicle up and it’s just the wooden stick you’re sucking on.
A personal Covid-19 mask that has been used too much, and has caught too much breath.
My Breath Catcher is starting to stink & (A) Needs washed; or, (B) Needs discarded & replaced.
what i call people with abscesses.
Person 1: do you have an abscess.
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: are now Of Breath The