Source Code

Guns N' Roses

The escence of great music..

Get in the ring motherfucker

by WAXL July 12, 2003

638๐Ÿ‘ 209๐Ÿ‘Ž

in n out burger

1. a good fast food restaurant

2. (slang) Another way of saying double-penetration

person one: hey, you seemed to enjoy yourself last night.

person two: yah , me and johnny gave her the In n out Burger last night.

by thinnoutburgerman June 8, 2009

51๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

yank n spank


Refers to a session of masturbation

-Usually preceeded by the setting of said masturbation session

Jordan was bored during school, so he went for a bathroom yank n spank.

Jordan couldn't sleep, so he went for a 2 A.M. yank n spank.

Jordan was feeling far too aroused after reading the Vogue magazine, so he went for a Barnes and Noble yank n spank.

To kill time during the airplane ride, Jordan went for a 30,000 foot high yank n spank.

by Mikey W October 20, 2006

51๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

N-Word Pass

A sacred, all-mighty treasure that has been worshipped for its unlimited power since ancient times. The artifact originated in the palace of king Etana of Sumer, and has been guarded in the depths of a secret chamber. With it, the holder, no matter who they are, and regardless of their race, may legally say the n-word without getting they ass jumped.To receive an n-word pass is to receive a top class of respect in the hood. It is said that for centuries, countless wars have been fought over the n-word pass and who shall be its rightful owner.It is to this day that the power of the n-word pass is biologically granted to black people.

*It is important to note that all people of African or black heritage (at least 40%) have a natural n-word pass,which they are granted at birth. It is theorized that it acts as an organ, inside the testicles.

*It is also important to note that for those who receive an n-word pass, unless the giver says otherwise, that the pass will expire after a certain amount of time, which is typically, but not always, exactly 69 days after receiving the n-word pass.

Jamal brownie: you a real nigga in the hood
Jimmy gringo: for real man?
Jamal brownie: yea my nigga, here's a n-word pass
Jimmy gringo: it is an honor to call you my nigga
Nigga standing by#1 : man jump this foo
Nigga standing by#2:its ight homie he got the n-word pass

by dat young nigga drip December 31, 2020

24๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


No Talent Ass Clown

Completely useless person; idiot; douche bag; pud

Snooki is a N-T-A-C!

by MOCO & P-Phat May 29, 2011

15๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Text n Head

Texting while getting a Blowjob.

Just for kicks I'll text you while she's blowin me. LOL Ya know, a little Text n Head.

by (( (OQTIVE) )) November 22, 2009

15๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Smash n Grab

A quick but unelegant burglary or theft.

"You want me to perform a smash n' grab at London-Freaking-Yard!?" - Lupin The 3rd

by J/P July 7, 2005

273๐Ÿ‘ 83๐Ÿ‘Ž