Source Code

12 second car

a very slow car's 1/4 mile time

the skyline is a 12 second car

by dude April 8, 2003

19πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž

10-Second Rule

The rule that states that if you don't like what you see from a person in the first ten seconds you see them, than you will most likely not like them later on.

Is ussually used on apparent douchebags, seemingly annoying bitches, or preppy-ass motherfuckers.

Jim: Ay, Carl! Look at that guy over there.
(Carl looks at apparent douchebage and applies 10-Second Rule)
Carl: He looks like a fucking douche.

by AlexTheOmnipotent April 1, 2013

4πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

10 second car

as one man grips the genitals of another, he fast and furiously stimulates the genitals while pretending to shift the gears of a manual transmission car.

Man 1: "You know you owe me a 10 second car, right?"

Man 2: "Vroom! Hope you don't mind if I grind your gears!"

by Frenchy Davis April 2, 2009

92πŸ‘ 288πŸ‘Ž

five second rule

h2oincfs' Corollary:

The food can remain on the floor for longer than five seconds, as long as you started reaching for it before the five seconds expired.

I had to change position after my first attempt to reach the Cheesy Poof that had fallen under my desk failed. However, I had begun the attempt before five seconds had passed, therefore the five second rule was not broken.

by h2oincfs March 23, 2005

10πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

2 Second Scramble

When you are jerkin' it to porn or just in bed with some clean up items around you and you hear someone coming so you have only seconds to cover yourself up and hide any incriminating evidence.

Dude last night I was in bed whackin' off to the thought of Ben's mom when I heard my dad knock on the door and had to pull of a daring 2 second scramble.

Oh man, I was watching some sweet porn on the computer last night when I didn't hear my mom come into the room, she came around the corner and I had to 2 second scramble to cover up and stomp the power strip button to 'off' just in time. "What mom, Idk what happened, the computer just shut off. Weird"

by GDrizzle May 11, 2011

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

three-second pour

(n): the non-scientific measurement of liquor poured straight from the bottle into some poor dope's cup for three seconds without a liquor pourer, rendering the drinker wasted off of "one" drink

"I've seen lots of bartenders do this. They give it a three-second pour!"

"I don't know why I'm so drunk off of one drink!" "It's because he three-second poured it."

by Carrington Schaeffer June 14, 2012

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

second-hand racism

When a person who seems to not be racist but has racist friends and/or defends racist people.

have you heard of them kpop fans? second-hand racism exists and it’s them
didn’t one of them idols do black face aswell? look at the second handed racism buddies running to β€˜cancel’ us for saying that

by ryuu’s dick July 14, 2021

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž