Wearing high waisted jeans with a camel toe
Damn those jeans are given her a long neck vagina!
Contemporary version of Long Story Short. Typically seen as LSD in electronic media (twitter, Reddit, facebook, text messages, emails, etc). Most often used when the outcome of a story is predictable.
My cousin set me up on a blind date. Long Story Deleted, she has been disinherited.
When you’re enjoying life with a long dick.
Oh my god. My long dick life is great. #ldl
having sex on a bus makes you a part of the mega long club. Technically would have to be a megabus but any bus trip could suffice
I had sex with my girlfriend on the megabus and so we are now both a part of the mega long club
When a women gets a running start from the kitchen, down the hallway to a designated white line at the threshold of the bedroom. At that point the lady long jumps towards the bed to a waiting, unprotected, fully erect penis. 3-27 seconds later.....
My girlfriend could win the gold in a creampie long jump.
Long Range Laterals is a game that really manly men play while alone in the Men's room. The gameplay is fairly straight forward: The player selects a urinal to stand at, but instead of pissing into that urinal the player pees into the next urinal over, or the one next to that, ad infinitum. The objective is to piss without missing a urinal.
It is considered legitimate for the player to quickly turn towards his own urinal to finish up if he is indeed at the end of his stream. Scoring is based on the honor system, one point is awarded for each urinal that is next in line. Having another player acting as a judge and a look-out is not out of the question, though slightly bizarre.
"Hey, Steve! Did you hear? Barry from procurement said he beat his Long Range Laterals high score on the 2nd floor!"
"What? No way. . . That crazy bastard pissed across 5 urinals?"