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loyal nigga

Don’t exist

Bitchhhhhhh I need me a loyal nigga

by Yeahhlay February 17, 2018

Bush Nigga

These niggas are the ones that jump outta the bush and try to eat cha asshole, Like bruh

I just died, bush niggas am I right...

by Bone boys December 29, 2018

nigga house

House of ghetto ass funiture or nice funiture held together with ghetto means

We're not putting coasters under the china closet, this isnt a nigga house

by 2009BIG2019 November 28, 2015

Nigga meat

A non-black woman who actively seeks relationships with any black man that she feels will give her some type of acceptance or credibility... i.e. Kim, Khloe and Kylie Kardashian, Iggy Azaela, Jennifer Lopez etc

Can't even imagine the number of negroes that have run through, up and in Iggy Azalea's cant-rap-drawls...she nigga meat fo' sho'...

by Sound of a Clock Ticking December 3, 2018

9👍 1👎

Nigga Jive

pertaining to rap or such music with a fast paced beat with african americans in the background making beat noises

dude antwan turn down the nigga jive

by Buckyyyyyyyyyy November 29, 2009

Nigga Dawg

a close friend or a person u really cool with

Travis: Is that Kai? He really my nigga dawg.

by Kai Sing April 23, 2021

moist nigga

a nigga who speaks about things he doesn't speak about as a nigga and gets his feelings involved

C: " she's more than just the girl of my dreams. i'm tryna wife her, make kids and have a family. but she don't see that i'm reaching out and shit
L: like all these girls think we just tryna fuck. fuck that, lemme kick some fifa

C: yeah don't wanna be on that moist-nigga tip

moist nigga. a nigga in his feels

by lukefrequency March 29, 2018