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Lei's High Disease (LHD)

A disease that you get when you lack sleep.
Things like sleep deprivation or too much homework/procrastination will increase the chances of contracting LHD.
Symptoms include craziness, overhappiness, highness, wanting to cut hair off, unreasonable logic, and dancing.

Lei has contracted Lei's High Disease (LHD) and now she thinks circles are squares

by Potato Marcus November 26, 2018

Honey bunches of yeet disease

A disorder where you yeet ( throw) random items and get a squiky voice

He got that honey bunches of yeet disease

by Yeet mallex March 21, 2019

Poking Transmitted Disease(PTD)

On Facebook when you poke someone on facebook, you poke everyone they've poked, and everyone they've poked...this is how PTD's are spread

Guy 1: I just poked her on facebook

Guy 2: yeah, but she's poked like over 100 people as well

Guy 1: so i could possibly have poking transmitted disease(PTD)

Guy 2: afraid so

Guy 1: damn it

by movieguy92 March 5, 2011

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Pelvic inflammatory disease


Damn I let my Mackenzie get so bad I got pelvic inflammatory disease

by Twittedtwat June 25, 2019

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Dick Do Disease

A very common medical disease Found mainly in overweight males of all ages in which copius amounts of fast food have contributed to making the males belly stick out farther then their dick do. See Also Toes do disease

"That boys been eating so much Sonic he's bound to get that dick do disease some day soon George"

by Bonnie-Clyde-420 June 12, 2018

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Toilet Paper Disease



by Hoi_im_temmie123 June 17, 2020

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Weird Nigga Disease (WND)

Weird Nigga Disease (WND) is a chronic disease that is treatable, yet uncurable. Symptoms include weirdness, itchy dick, and destiny to be a virgin.

โ€œDamn, this nigga must have Weird Nigga Disease (WND).โ€

by SSG Ginobli July 3, 2019

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