someone who was born before the 1950's
"Do that" said" Mike "Ok Boomer" said joe
An old fashioned or just old person
“you guys are always on your phones”
reply-“Ok boomer”
Response used by an individual who couldn't afford the product they asked about.
How much is that Ford Pinto
$2 500
OK thanks
“Ok cool” or “okie dokie”
Acknowledging something is going to happen
Girl 1: I’ll let you know what’s happening when I get my schedule
Girl 2: ok wet
Movement that caused an immense impact in the lgbtq community
+ "hey"
- "Diego Charles Ok"
Paired with when did i ask.
1. I just won the lottery
2. Ok but when?
1. Just now???
When a Garrett speaks or just his presence itself kills the whole vibe
"You don't get the joke because you're german"
Ok garrett