Source Code

ok boomer

someone who was born before the 1950's

"Do that" said" Mike "Ok Boomer" said joe

by godmf February 24, 2020

Ok boomer

An old fashioned or just old person

you guys are always on your phones
reply-“Ok boomer”

by trinity lin December 22, 2019

OK thanks

Response used by an individual who couldn't afford the product they asked about.

How much is that Ford Pinto
$2 500
OK thanks

by Mr Hammo June 10, 2022

Ok wet

Ok cool” or “okie dokie
Acknowledging something is going to happen

Girl 1: I’ll let you know what’s happening when I get my schedule
Girl 2: ok wet

by IreneAlrinAkenna December 11, 2018

Diego Charles Ok

Movement that caused an immense impact in the lgbtq community

+ "hey"
- "Diego Charles Ok"

by ItsDlaw March 28, 2020

Ok but when?

Paired with when did i ask.

1. I just won the lottery

2. Ok but when?

1. Just now???


by nakd69420 October 14, 2022

ok garrett

When a Garrett speaks or just his presence itself kills the whole vibe

"You don't get the joke because you're german"
Ok garrett

by Plumber45 April 8, 2020