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Hawaiian. text acronym for Hawaiian.

Hang with ur H-Y-N friend.

by smithdws October 9, 2009

26👍 18👎


the moment you realise you not only are procrastinating on work, but also every other aspect of life.

realising you are in a constant vegetative state: 'W H Y'

by Why am I still here February 26, 2019

7👍 3👎


Also known as BIG H by some or sir H or Lord H

he is also a beloved slapist and is very involved in SATI

Disclamer (Tumor)

SIR LORD H a person who likes eels and SATI and Slapism

by sdrfghjgdtrserdtygutrseerdtfy August 8, 2019

Jesus H Christ

Jesus Christ’s middle name. Some say it’s “Harold” or “Holy” but it is yet to be confirmed. Also used as a phrase to express unsettlement.

1) Let’s pray to our lord and saviour baby Jesus H Christ!

2) *guy stubs toe* JESUS H CHRIST!

by SoberMan October 21, 2020

H. R. Pickens

The only man who came close to breaking Abraham H. Parnassus, but then proceeded to be grinded into the ground and buried by his rival because he was weak. Abraham then seduced his granddaughter and filled her belly with his festering seed, and sired a boy, his last revenge against H. R. Do not be weak like H. R. Pickens.

You are weak like H. R. Pickens

by Abraham H. Parnassus February 19, 2022

playback's a b***h

What an accuser smugly utters after an audio recording or video-footage-clip conclusively proves that a protester-of-innocence did indeed commit the misdeed he was accused of.

Teenage delinquent: I swear, Officer --- I absolutely positively unquestionably DID NOT spray that graffiti on that shop window!! Why, I wasn't even THERE at that time --- I was down at the lake, just gazin' up at the stars and mindin' my own business!
Security guard: Really --- were you, now? Well, my young friend, let's just you and me take a little stroll over to the mall's CCTV-monitoring room, and pull the tape of last night's parking-lot activity.
Teenage delinquent, seeing the greenish-white IR-lighted security-camera footage of himself being very busy with his spray-cans on the store's front sidewalk: But --- but --- I --- this just can't --- I ---
Security guard (giving the flustered youth a self-satisfied smile and shaking his head with a "caught in the act after all, eh, son?" expression): Yeah, I know --- playback's a b***h, isn't it?!

by QuacksO March 12, 2017

w h a t

A state of pure confusion through text. Not knowing what to reply. same meaning as "wat" or "wut"

Tanya: I'm so bored I could be a chicken, Stacey.

Stacey: W h a t??

by Boredisme December 29, 2017