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Fortnite is the game that 40 year old Virgins try connect with little 11-12 basturds. And dances that get to addictive for kids who start doing it in public. And which is Annoying

Man: hey weres ur kid l
Mom: playing Fortnite

Man:Fortnite....What’s Fortnite??
Mom: oh u know a game which is so addictive and can take over kids mind


by Martial law /Rae.B December 6, 2018

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a game that had girls giving up on there mans this years. basically Minecraft with shooting !!!

Person one: aye easy dub in fortnite
Person two: isn’t fortnite that game that’s basically Minecraft with shooting
Person one: nah brother it’s the reason my girl left so I’ve been in lonely lodge recently :(

by Pasyched assistant February 27, 2018

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A video game that is really gay.

If you play fortnite, you are being a loser. And a virgin.

by BigDinos January 15, 2019

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A popular game that hurts me to watch more than when my ex wife left and took the kids.

Dammit Samantha.

Fortnite took the world by STORM.

by Oceanlerman December 17, 2018

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A game for retarded people who need to drow because they are virgins.

Fortnite is the most gay game out!

by Bighairynonce69 January 24, 2019

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The only game that makes you look lame if you make fun of someone else for playing it.

Washed popular kid: Ha! This dude is playing Fortnite! What a loser!
Fortnite Player: You do realize everyone and their grandma is playing this game, right?

by Miles_Bey0nd March 20, 2018

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The gayest game in existence where "Epic Gaymers" battle for their gay "#1 Victory Royale"

Epic Gaymer at my school: Hey dude I just got a win in Fortnite last night!!
Me: Shut the fuck up with yo Epic Gaymer ass

by Bladeachu8679 January 10, 2019

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