Any orifice (other than a mouth) that, from overuse, has stretched well beyond the circumference of the largest of penises, making anyone engaging in penetration with it unable to feel the walls on either side. It may even splash.
Guy 1: I heard Rico is into fisting now.
Guy 2: I know! I hit that last week and it was like fucking a bucket of water!
The movie had very sad ending. They was a lot of eye water!
Referring to a man with a belly - especially with a rounded beer gut.
“You’ ve grown yourself a bit of a water barrel haven’t you mate?!”
The act of an uncircumcised man pinching off the excess skin on his anteater and peeing for the purpose of filling his now water tight turtleneck. Then, when his new found weapon is about to burst, he releases his grip drenching his target in warm golden venom!
Billy has been a real ass lately, the next time that clown mouths off... He's getting The Water Ballon
someone who's actually Dog water In a Game
Bronky water is when you're walking down the street and it's really slushy out and a big truck or car drives by and splashes you with Muddy dirty gross water all over your face and clothes
Broooo that guy just bronky watered me!!
An alcoholic drink that is considered healthy.
Person A: Hey! Wanna drink some Diet Water tonight with me?
Person B: No sorry, don’t really think any alcoholic drink is healthy