She is kind, caring, genuine and softhearted person you love her eyes speak a lot . The most emotional yet the strongest of all. Sometimes even used in the place of love
Jovelyn Grace is rare
She is kind, funny, genuine but don't make her pisse you'll regret it.
Her eyes speak a lot . The most emotional yet the strongest of all. Sometimes even used in the place of love
Jovelyn Grace is rare you can't find a friend like her.
Strong, wise , courageous , smart , softhearted but beatiful inside and out.
She is always seeking for a betterment.
Don't judge her sometimes she had a wrong decision because she is following her heart.
She has a lot of friends, but not all of her friends are her friends , sometimes they betrayed you. Keep your friends whose with you without any any.
Always be kind and cheerful.
Jovilyn - a sunshine every morning
A rainbow after a pouring rain
She is kind, caring, genuine and softhearted person you love, her eyes speak a lot . The most emotional yet the strongest of all. Sometimes even used in the place of love
Jovelyn Grace is rare
She is kind, funny, genuine but don't make her pisse you'll regret it.
Her eyes speak a lot . The most emotional yet the strongest of all. Sometimes even used in the place of love
Jovelyn Grace is rare you can't find a friend like her.
She is kind, funny, genuine but don't make her pisse you'll regret it.
Her eyes speak a lot . The most emotional yet the strongest of all. Sometimes even used in the place of love
Jovelyn Grace is rare you can't find a friend like her.
Strong, wise , courageous , smart , softhearted but beatiful inside and out.
She is always seeking for a betterment.
Don't judge her sometimes she had a wrong decision because she is following her heart. She has a lot of friends, but not all of her friends are her friends , sometimes they betrayed you. Keep your friends whose with you without any any.
Always be kind and cheerful
Jovelyn Grace - a sunshine every morning