Contrary to popular belief, "Emo" does not mean the cutting of one's wrist, nor is it a style. It doesn't represent someone sitting in a corner, crying, or angst-filled teenagers. It was originally a style of music, known as "Emotive Hardcore" or "Emotional Hardcore". Modern society has turned it into both a way to dress and a stereotype, sadly. Many people think it means emotional. That is slightly correct, but it really stands for "emotional" or "emotive" hardcore. If "Emo" really was Emotional, everyone would be "Emo", considering we've all shown emotions before. The word Emo shouldn't even exist, considering its past.
An example of how modern society uses "Emo":
"Emo fags, cutting their wrists." "Go cry in a corner, Emo."
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A whiny, attention whore who likes to pretend they are more deep and tortured than they actually are. They are often confused with goths due to a similar aesthetic but there is a key difference: emos want to kill themselves and goths want to kill everyone else.
That emo is cutting his wrists, not due to real mental illness and depression or an inability to cope, but to get attention and seem special.
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The best known definition for 'emo' is a fashion movement among teens (usually 13-18) involving things like skinny jeans, band tees, wristbands, studded belts, horn-rimmed glasses, eyeliner, and black, choppy hairstyles, often with exotic colors like red or pink. It also brings to mind sort of a whole attitude. And I am not going to say that emos are whiny, self-centered little brats who only cut and act depressed because they think it's cool. That is a common and insulting misconception. The more correct definition is that emos are teens who are more emotional and sensitive than most. They're pretty dark and tend to be very thoughtful and deep. Many have been diagnosed with depression and even more do self-harm. The brats I mentioned before are the POSERS. The total fakes and wannabes that give the subculture a bad name. Most emos are very sensitive, and are also often artistic and like writing songs and poetry that aren't always necessarily about death and darkness. I believe the posers are more common than the real thing, so most non-emos are left with the impression that emos are whiny, angsty teens that think they're oh-so-unique. This is not true of all. Emos are greatly misunderstood people who have been negatively stereotyped. I just wanted to clear that up.
poser 1:Dude, I totally got these new skull earrings at Hot Topic! I'm sooo emo.
poser 2: That's awesome. I wrote a poem about how life sucks and everyone should die, and how no one understands me or loves me. How emo is that?
poser 1: That's way emo. Let's go to the bathroom and cut and cry about our awful lives.
real emo 1: So how was art class?
real emo 2: Pretty good. I'm drawing a charcoal picture of a rose. I'm planning to write a little poetry on the border.
real emo 1: That sounds really cool. Wanna hang out sometime this weekend?
(note the freaky poser coversation and the totally normal emo conversation XD)
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How to be emo:
Go out to the drugstore and buy some cheap hair dye. You're gonna need black, and if you want to look more emo, buy dark purple or dark red. Or maybe a neon color. Put streaks in random as hell places. There's the color. Now, cut your bangs into a long diagonal fringe, covering about 1/3 of your face on that side. make sure your fringe is longer than the rest of your hair if you're a guy, and if you're a girl, your bangs should be at least half the length of the rest of your hair.
There, now you've got the hair. Now, go one to make-up. You're gonna need eyeliner. A lot of it. Now, put it on. When you think you have enough, you will need more. then for eyeshadow, choose either a dark color, or a bright color.
For clothes, you're going to need a studded belt. You need skinny jeans, skin tight. Or tighter. Then, go to Hot Topic, buy a few band shirts, and while you're there, look at other band shirts, and write them down. That's what music you'll be listening to until you get over whatever you're sad about. Make sure you have converse!!
Then, the attitude. Obviously, you have to be sad all the time. Don't eat, and cut yourself.
Now, if you think I'm serious, you're ridiculous. I guess I'm classified as emo, and I do few of these things. I streaked my hair neon orange, it's naturally black. I do usually wear dark clothes. But Seriously, don't be a poser. Emo's aren't always fucking depressed.
Real emo #1: Hey, let's go hang out!
Real emo#2: Okay! What do you wanna do?!
Real emo #1: Let's go skate, or maybe jump on a trampoline!
Real emo#2: Okay!
Poser emo#1: I'm so sad...I think I'm gonna go cut myself.
Poser emo #2: Yeh...Let's go listen to Hawthore heights while wallowing in self pity...
Real emo's join in now: CHEER UP, FAGS!
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1. Emo: genre musical created by the hardcore punk and alternative rock.
2. Emo: urban tribe. (wikipedia)
2. Emo: a word used for discriminate the urban tribe. Generally used to definite a depression state totally false.
1. "What genre is that song?" "It's emo."
2. "I'm an emo guy"
3. "Are U emo?" "No, I am not. Only I'm depressed, my boyfriend left me yesterday"
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A metal fan. Nah I'm just kidding. Something that is wrongly used by non-metalheads to describe a metal fan. THERES A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN METALHEADS AND EMOS, PRICKS!
It's also a subgenre of rock.
*uncool kid finds someone else listening to metal*
"Stop being emo and listen to good music like Drake"
*uncool kid gets punched super hard*
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Emo. Mostly teenagers ranging from 14-19 in age. Defined by:
1)Skinny jeans. Guys and girls.
2)Thick black rimmed glasses.
3)Sloppy hair that tends to gravitate towards one side of the face, blocking half from view. Usually dark(black)with streaks of very bright (red, green) colors.
4)Eyeliner. Guys and girls.
5)A serious need to be unconforming. Which might be an issue when you are talking about one of the fastest growing trends in the world.
6) Some sort of self mutilation/suicide attempt.
7)A fascination with vintage items, poetry, dark lyrically uninventive lyrics that express 'deep' emotions and thoughts.
Let's hardcore dance!
Quick! Mosh pit!
I'm so emo I wore my sister's pants.
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