Source Code

Calum Thomas hood

Calum hood is the bass player in the band 5 seconds of summer he is very hot has an amazing voice has a great personality and is very! Good with his hands of you know what I mean

Defined: calum Thomas hood: a bit bass player with a good personality

by 05..23 May 26, 2019

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Thomas Matthew Delonge

Thomas Matthew Delonge is a singer/guitarist for the most amazing band, Blink 182. He was born December 13, 1975 in Poway, California. He is unfortunately married to Jennifer Jenkins, now Jennifer Delonge. He is the hottest man alive, without a doubt. Many people praise him. He is currently in Blink 182 and Angels and Airwaves, two amazing bands, Blink 182 being the best. He used to be in Boxcar Racer also. He has a very distinct voice which makes him even more irresistable. He has an obsession over UFO's and Aliens, and he really does not care what people think of him. He is a unique, and different soul, which makes him interesting.

who are you talking about when you capitalize Him?
well, Thomas Matthew Delonge of course!

by Mrs. Delonge June 9, 2010

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Thomas L wells

A school of Tamil speaking Asians with Nice teacher (not tamil)

idk Thomas L wells cant be used in a sentence

by idk2000 June 24, 2017

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St Thomas Network

The streams of cum leading from woman to woman to woman but eventually leading back to a couple dudes at Carlson

Admissions Pimp: "St Thomas has the St Thomas Network! We allbutguaranteeunderlegalcontracture that we WILL get you a high-finance jobs right out of college!!"

Savvy students: "St Thomas Network? Guess I better bring my umbrellas...sighhhhh..."

EDIT: @urban dictionary staffers, you will not get this unless you WENT to st thomas, a respectable but academically nincompoop school in southern Minnesota. You will not have heard ALL ABOUT THE "St Thomas Network" so you will not understand why their promises of good jobs out of college are completely false. I am not sullying a Catholic institution for its Catholicism--I am a seminarian at a different school in fact--I am drawing under-given attention to a serious lie St Thomas peddles to admitted and high school students about career prospects out of college. I am in line with the college revelution, wherein we can totally see 80% of our college tuition was frittered away on defining basic marketing vocabulary. I encourage you to seriously think again; DO NOT delete this post as it echoes the academic agony of thousands of st Thomas graduates who were told fame and fortune awaited them outside St Thomas' borders but wound up stocking shelves intead.

by AnonemousMarmot September 28, 2020

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Thomas James Longley

A British actor, who appeared in theatre shows of the London fringe as a child before moving onto film work. Is most notable for his lead role as Matt in the horror film 'Sparrow' released in 2010.

Thomas James Longley was once considered for a role in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

by urbanhappy July 30, 2010

25πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

thomas the dank engine

thomas the dank engine thomas the dank engine thomas the dank engine thomas the dank engine thomas the dank engine, thomas the dank engine thomas the dank engine thomas the dank engine thomas the dank engine. thomas the dank engine

thomas the dank enginethomas thedank enginethomas the dank enginethomas the dank enginethomas the dank enginethomas the dank enginethomas the dank enginethomas the dank enginethomas the dank enginethomas the dank enginethomas the dank enginethomas the dank enginethomas the dank enginethomas the dank enginethomas the dank enginethomas the dank enginethomas the dank enginethomas the dank enginethomas the dank enginethomas the dank enginethomas the dank enginethomas the dank enginethomas the dank enginethomas the dank enginethomas the dank enginethomas the dank enginethomas the dank engine

by johny fucking depp February 8, 2021

15πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

st thomas aquinas

school full of rich kids that live off they daddy’s money. girls are hot or ugly no in between, girls are a lot hoes and fuck with every guy they can get with there hot ass tits. guys are fuckboys and have sex with a girl then never talk to her again. NEVER TALK TO SOMEONE FROM THIS SCHOOL, they will fuck you over but you will get clout for it

guy- β€œShe’s so hot and her tits fuckkk”
guy 2- β€œshe must go to st thomas aquinas with those tits”
guy- β€œahh st tomas aquinas”

by sta thot March 21, 2019

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