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ugly matt damon

Jessie Plemons

it was so heartbreaking when ugly matt damon killed that kid in Breaking Bad

by andrewisawesome January 9, 2018

29๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Broken Matt Hardy

Matt Hardy's personality after Jeff Hardy put him in the hospital. Speaks with an English accent, refers to people by their middle names, has premonitions, and deletes people from existence. Broken Matt also likes to bite TNA fans and has turned his brother Jeff into an Obsolete Mule, now known as Brother Nero. Broken Matt also has a gardener named Senor Benjamin who specializes in preparing the battlefield for massacre, a drone named Vangaurd 1 who commands Matt's fleet of assault drones and a Dilapidated Boat named Skasguard who saved Matt's life from a Brother Nero attack.

Broken Matt Hardy, you are really weirding me out right now.

by XMC7991 August 26, 2016

68๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Wii sports matt

So, you really thought that you were gonna beat the wii sports boxing champion and holy lord MATT?!?!?!?! well think again, bitch because you aren't beating this legend of a wii sports boxer

I got ass raped by wii sports matt in wii sports boxing

by Dicken Diaz April 28, 2020

matt murdock shit

Hero type shit

You into that matt murdock shit, boi

by fetchilaskonish December 15, 2018


Matt. The boy with the killer good looks that every girl falls in love with. Heโ€™s respectful, nice, charming, and did we say hot? He usually has brown hair thatโ€™s long and swoops across his forehead. Except, once you get to know him better, heโ€™s a real dick. He treats girls like dog shit and drops them once he gets bored. He moves on in a second and always has a girl under his arm

Shelissa: Girl whatโ€™s wrong?
Amber: This boy I like ghosted me.

Shelissa: Oh damn, itโ€™s a Matt isnโ€™t it?

by CJacq December 24, 2018

1๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

Matt Knowles challenge

To consume, in a single sitting, two 3 litre bottles of Frosty Jack white cider. Once completed the task is to successfully navigate your way back to a bed or other lodging without evacuating the contents of your stomach.

Steve R@lf: "Dude I tried the Matt Knowles challenge yesterday"
Everyone else: "Was your ordeal successful?"
Steve Ralf: "Sadly not, I barely managed one bottle before I simultaneously vomited and defecated myself"
Ross GR: "You fucking bender"

by HarryTipper May 3, 2011

153๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

matt m.

Really is just a big flamer. Likes mens bums and makes the most shit movies ever. porn for a matt m. is jacking off to action essentials. No girls like him,he smells like ass shit, and wears the same clothes eurday everyday.

Joe:Guess what i got for christmas.
Dan: What!! a t.v.,vid game, new clothes?
Joe: No action essentials 2!!
Dan: wow yur such a matt m. and you smell like one to

by godofcod2 January 7, 2012

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