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George W. Bush

Worst president the United States has ever had?
His own papa or Reagan pull in for a close second.

Started the war in Iraq by basically milking the life out of the 9/11 attacks in NYC.
The war today seems to rival Vietnam, if not surpass it, in atrocity, as far as American history is concerned.

His idiotic behavior and decisions have not only plunged the U.S. into the biggest deficit it's ever seen, but also brought practically the entire world to come to hate the United States and Americans in general.

Why exactly did the majority of Americans vote for George W. Bush for a SECOND term?
Does it only prove that the major of the country is stupid?

by Lame Liberal October 21, 2005

371👍 271👎

flapper w/ cheese

A burger that contains all the usual ingredients apart from the refinement of a juicy wet slab of a vagina flap... with cheese.

I ordered a flapper w/ cheese at burger king and the woman made it fresh from the source.

by Dr. Emil Shauffhausen April 4, 2007

11👍 4👎

George W. Bush

The current President of the United States.

The following are not definitions as much as they are rants of how much they hate George W. Bush.

by I think gavels should be called law-hammers October 12, 2005

380👍 287👎

George W. Bush

The 43rd President of the United States (2000-2008). Born in New Haven, Conneticut, he considers his home state to be Texas, whereupon he has served as Governor. The second son of a former President (George H.W. Bush -- 41st President) to be re-elected to a second term. One of the most religious Presidents in history.

George W. Bush attended a church service before and after his second Presidential Inaguration, despite allegations to ban the tradition.

by Postman January 26, 2005

177👍 127👎


The glorious Taylor Ham, egg, and cheese with salt, pepper, and ketchup. The unofficial official sandwich of New Jersey

The abbreviation used by bagel shops and delis to take down your order.

text message
Jake: “What do you want from the bagel shop?”
Rich: “You already know.”
Jake: “THEC w/ SPK on an everything bagel, coming right up!”

by Joey Jacuzzi November 25, 2021

8👍 1👎


Gay Brothers that spend a lot of time together behind closed doors. Quite often noises are heard from within that can be associated with gurgling, dry reaching & only what could only be described as 2 fish being slapped together in a fast rhythmic motion.

Father: “damn those boys enjoy each other’s company”
Mother: “It’s beautiful the bond they share together”
Father: “Sometimes when they are playing GTA5 together in their bedroom it sounds like they are sharing more than a bond”
Mother: “What are you saying?”
Father: “I’d swear those gay CUNT’s are fucking each other”
Mother: “Don’t be stupid, they’re brothers”
Father: Yeah, ‘Bro’s-w-Benefits’

by Litcunt February 4, 2020

5👍 1👎


Days of the week abbreviation: (W)ednesday (T)hursday (F)riday

A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F ...

by mtf November 14, 2011

14👍 7👎