An Asshole teacher with no life who privileges special kids and to other kids tortures them by treating them like shit and is always on her kos khun
Miss Suckadick is so fucking annoying today.
someone who isn’t completely there mentally, lacks a portion of development.
P1: I’m sure you overheard what she said, that’s crazy!
P2: yeah she’s probably missing a quarter to complete the dollar.
A woman's vagina, or any orifice on a female presenting person.
Hannah's miss-hole was itchy but she was embarrassed by the idea of scratching it on the crowded bus.
A PE teacher who looks like one of the elves in “Authur Christmas” and locks her pupils out of their form room
Oh crap Miss Hulme’s there
The sexiest girl in Canada/France/Mexico. Also the first known human to have collected all black ice skins in R6 siege AND a meme god
Holy moly that miss toufette girl. I’d love for her to show me ALL of her black ice skins 🤤
When you wish someone is with you when they are not.
I miss Hannah so much, I wish she was back home.