Source Code

Jurassic Parking

When you watch Jurassic Park at high volume to mask the sound of moaning during vigorous sex.

"Adam and his girlfriend were Jurassic Parking last night while his parents were home."

by sparky_penguin18 March 11, 2019

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parent park

To reverse the car and back into a parking space. Parents usually do this because they go to many unnecessary means to be safer for kids.

Ha ha, you parent parked? That's awesome.

by Bananafish June 29, 2005

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Parking the Winnebago

Engaging in sexual activity.
Variation: "Parking the Winnebago in the back lot". Definition: Engaging in anal sex.

Vito: "Where the hell were YOU all night?"

Guido: "I was at Marie's house, parking the Winnebago."

by ICSHialeah August 2, 2009

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union park

A school that has lots of fights and wack teachers. There’s lots of fake people and annoying people.

Omg Have you heard of Union Park.

Yeah there was like 3 fights in one week

by _lol_01 December 5, 2018

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Whiteoaks Park

Located in the suburban lands of Lorne Park, Whiteoakes is a public park. It includes 4 tennis courts (soon to be 5) in the south, a soccer field in the center, a baseball diamond to the north, a play ground in the vicinity of the tennis courts, a well conserved network of paths through the forest in its west and north ends, and to many sesh spots. Whitoaks is located between Whitoaks Public School in the south-west and Lorne Park Secondary School in the north-east. Considering that Lorne Park Secondary has a predominantly high population of stoners it is only natural for this park to have a plethora of sesh spots which have been used by many generations dating back to the early 2000s due to resent anthropological discoveries. However some anthropological and sociological scholars argue that Whiteoakes doesn't contain any sesh spots but instead is it self a plot of land which is to large to be considered a singular sesh spot.

*exiting Lorne Park Secondary School*
Rob: I want to go hit a popper
John: Wanna go to Whiteoaks Park?
Rob: But which sesh spot? Sanctuary?
John: Naw man, remember someone burned it down
Rob: What ever, we'll stumble upon one anyway

by woodsshitbear November 24, 2013

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Parked Up

When you are inside a motor vehicle, while it is in the "parked position"

Manz are parked up outside the bando.

The Jit has been parked up for a hot minute

by #C4 September 21, 2020

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Hater Park

When a driver parks in a manner that prevents anyone from parking around their car, even when there is plenty of space.

Say you pull up to a parking spot and someone parks right in the middle of 2 parking spaces, barely leaving room for a Mini Cooper to parking. Another example is when you pull into a parking lot and some jerk is too lazy to straighten out their car and they are blocking the last decient park in the area...........Hater Park!!!!!!!

by BJ Gammage aka Big Jilla November 3, 2007

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