A bunch of beast ass trombone players almost killing each other by dancing side by side by ducking and then going right, ducking again and going left. Pretty beast shit when the drumline gets the beat going
*It's time for the....RAIN CHANT!!!!!
*Why are they lined up like that??
-Oh!! that's Rain Chant
*Band Director: (sees trombones and tubas going up front) Shit....
New Guy: What?
Director: they're doin Rain Chant
When a girl uses her shower head to masterbate.
She aims the shower head at her clit and uses the water pressure to rub her clit
Fuck man, rain upside down last night Sarah, it felt dooo good
When hookers piss on you....
Donald favorite kink is the Kremlin rain
After a hot day at the golf course. Donald freshens up by ordering a kremlin rain.
n. Catastrophic bombing or wanton destruction of a helpless opponent in a pointless confrontation.
Kiev needs to ready itself;: a nuke rain is gonna fall.
The Sweet Saturating Love of A Virtuous Woman That Can Defy All Odds. A Woman That's Sent By God.
Man I've done had some women in my day. But nothing compares to Anita, her loving is satisfying to the soul. Just Like Honey Rain
The Sweet Saturating Love of A Virtuous Woman That Can Defy All Odds. And Sent By God
Hey Man I Done Had Some Women In My Day. But No One Compares To Anita, Her Loving Is Satisfying To The Soul. Just Like Honey Rain.
Da classic bu**s**t remark dat people use to try to make each other feel better regarding an unforeseen/inconvenient downpour.
Everyone's lawns and gardens were flourishing just dandy before today's torrential downpour, so why is everyone telling each other, "We needed the rain at this time"?! Who needs drenched muddy sidewalks and huge messy puddles all over town???