(also spelled C-salt): saltiness, microaggressions, anger, or hate towards minorities rooted in fear of helping with or losing white caucasian privilege.
1. the mob of angry protestors looked like giant pillars of sea salt as they violently destroyed the city of Charlottesville while harming civilians and anti-protestors.
2. the principal of a Kansas elementary school had so much sea salt in his mouth that he wouldn't allow the man's daughter to be admitted into his school. then the principal threw sea salt at the man and his daughter until they left the school. the man brought his concerns to the court with his family and luckily the judges didn't eat as much sea salt that morning.
3. the salty sea man barricaded himself in a Las Vegas hotel room and shot giant pellets of sea salt at harmless, multi-cultural civilians in a nearby concert.
4. captain sea salt made fun of a Puerto Rican hurricane tragedy by giving sea salt candy wrappers to the island for relief.
The thing that you use to season your country breakfast
Good morning, Amanda! Oh this junky concentrated salt laser still isn't working right. It needs to be fixed, right away! Who can eat breakfast like this? >:
Da result of a lazy-a** teenager's being made to do his share of da housework by hand-churning cream, and shedding copious tears about having to perform said boring/arduous task.
Once motorized butter-making machinery was invented, da term "naturally salted butter" referred to simply sprinkling on da crystally-white stuff by hand.
What the D.O.T. puts on the road in snowy weather to clear it enough so that you can drive "safely and sanely" --- in other words, so that your car maintains a straight level path and keeps all four wheels on the road instead of doing twirlies or back-flips, i.e., "summer salts".
I usually walk to the store during snowy periods so that my car doesn't get rotted out underneath from all the winter salt on the road.
Ones asshole being rimmed with cocaine and having a partner snort it around the hole every time they tounge it
He was so excited to have his rim salted for the first time
She he was the best salted rim shes every had