When you can punch so hard you can send someone to the hospital or the grave.
Joe: "You need to keep your pimp hand strong. Bitch slap that woman!"
Ed: "Bitch slap?! I'll murder fist her!"
The Chinese Fist Bump is a sex act, whereupon two men comradely bump fists through pelvic tissue whilst double-penetrating a maiden.
Lei Weng and I got our hands stuck in a geisha last night at the dojo after doing some Chinese Fist Bumps!
The act in where you act like a unicorn while still being able to fist punch a
Hooker on a Friday night
I had a mad session with the dirty Hoover there was so much unicorn fisting involved
The definition of a drunk person wanting breakfast and lunch at the same time while trying to yell at a mangy fox out the window at McDonalds.
Girl i can't wait for some Mid-unch-fist cause im fuckin hungry!!!
Bending over Ass's Bending over Ass's doubjrag iron fist ganbjrasterides gamobjrasterides. 🎠🎡🎢. By lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior LBJAY MARCH 10th 19eightynine. Benningfield junior over Ass's Benningfield junior over Ass's.
I invented and made and created and started benjrovgamobjrastass benjrovganbjrastass doubjrag iron fist ganbjrasteride gamobjrasteride.By lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior LBJAY MARCH 10th 19eightynine.
The act of a construction contractor utilizing his or her fist on a Vermeer directional boring rig in place of the drill bit. Only applies to Central Florida. Quick connects, drive chucks, and Sub Savers cannot be utilized with fist drills.
I fist drilled the f-ing shit out of that Tampa dirt.
When you make something work when it’s broken and it’s ghetto.
Bro that duck taped window is a ghetto fist.