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Murder Fist

When you can punch so hard you can send someone to the hospital or the grave.

Joe: "You need to keep your pimp hand strong. Bitch slap that woman!"
Ed: "Bitch slap?! I'll murder fist her!"

by JiggleBaby501 April 11, 2016

chinese fist bump

The Chinese Fist Bump is a sex act, whereupon two men comradely bump fists through pelvic tissue whilst double-penetrating a maiden.

Lei Weng and I got our hands stuck in a geisha last night at the dojo after doing some Chinese Fist Bumps!

by liam. May 13, 2022

Unicorn fisting

The act in where you act like a unicorn while still being able to fist punch a
Hooker on a Friday night

I had a mad session with the dirty Hoover there was so much unicorn fisting involved

by Unicorn fisting God July 16, 2016


The definition of a drunk person wanting breakfast and lunch at the same time while trying to yell at a mangy fox out the window at McDonalds.

Girl i can't wait for some Mid-unch-fist cause im fuckin hungry!!!

by karleyjo11 May 14, 2012

BENJrOVgamoBJrastass BENJrOVganBJrastass DouBJraG iron fist ganBJrasteride gamoBJrasteride

Bending over Ass's Bending over Ass's doubjrag iron fist ganbjrasterides gamobjrasterides. 🎠🎡🎢. By lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior LBJAY MARCH 10th 19eightynine. Benningfield junior over Ass's Benningfield junior over Ass's.

I invented and made and created and started benjrovgamobjrastass benjrovganbjrastass doubjrag iron fist ganbjrasteride gamobjrasteride.By lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior LBJAY MARCH 10th 19eightynine.

by Lonnie Benningfield junior mar July 3, 2024

fist drill

The act of a construction contractor utilizing his or her fist on a Vermeer directional boring rig in place of the drill bit. Only applies to Central Florida. Quick connects, drive chucks, and Sub Savers cannot be utilized with fist drills.

I fist drilled the f-ing shit out of that Tampa dirt.

by #fistdrilling September 20, 2019

ghetto fist

When you make something work when it’s broken and it’s ghetto.

Bro that duck taped window is a ghetto fist.

by TrainERusso December 24, 2017