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Pussy fun time

When you shit into her ass and have intercourse into it. Then you suck the pussy at the same time. You can suck and fuck all night long.

Man that was a good pussy fun time. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN

by When you have a good time May 30, 2018

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doh much fun

Doh much fun is egging that craps on people's faces and when you say hello they will attack you like a beast if you come across one in the woods you will have to go to the hospital straight away or you'll be paralysed

You: hey is that a doh much fun

Doh much fun: no , what do you think idiot

You: sorry you don't have to be so rude

Doh much fun I see it its so beatific wait is that it's butt

by poocrapbangbangbang June 25, 2017

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Monkey Fun Stuff

Used in turn of the word "Feces" or any other appropriate slang words

Man, that Monkey Fun Stuff smells somthing horrible.

by Gubby Hernandez November 12, 2007

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box of fun things

porn magazines

He keeps his box of fun things under the mattress.

by windo changer October 23, 2011

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It’s fun to smoke marijuana

The only thing is that I don’t know how to do it

It’s fun to smoke marijuana

by WorseThanHitler January 23, 2021

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fun-sized mommy

The sexiest chick you'll ever fucking see, she'll burn your eyes just by looking at her. She's even sexier than Marigold! Her white drooping pussyflaps are the sexiest size. Her nice sweaty pussy fits the just perfect girth and length of your cock, she's perfect. Her white titties are full of fun, she will come home every night from work just to slightly barely unbutten her shirt to show the tops of her tits, she will make you turn on brighter than the fucking sun. Your dick fits in her cleaveage perfectly, just making it the perfect conditions to cum so far in her throat. She will have you dominate you like a country in WW2. She will ride you SO HARD you will shoot your cum up her gaping white butthole like Hitler shooting the Americans. She will dominate you, she wants you, and you... whoever reading this, deserve the world.

Hey Midas, hows your wife, Marigold?
Me: Oh, Her, Yaah, I found myself a fun-sized mommy last night and I fucking owned that pussy like a monopoly plot.
Hmmm... I'm kinda jealous

Me: Oh you... wanna play??

Her: Oh fun! Whadd'ya have?

Me: *lip bites while blushing*
Her: Ohhh... that game... *strips*

Me: My dick will fit! FUCKIN' FIT I MEAN!

Her: OooooOoOooOOooh Daddy harder... Ohhhhh *squirts*

Me: Well I was gonna make a sextape but I nutted so fast it's a gif. Oh well...

by β˜†β˜…Midasβ˜…β˜† February 4, 2022

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Dish o' Fun

A delicious combination of tyson chicken nuggets, and totino's pizza rolls.

Guy 1: Hey, can I have some chicken nuggets and pizza rolls?
Guy 2: You mean a Dish o' Fun?

by ilikebigboys February 14, 2010

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