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Bitch Whip

this is a slang term for your schlong as in when you use your piece to hit your girl with.

If you dont behave im gonna have to bitch whip you fool!

by oboe player January 1, 2011

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Pussy whipped


Joel and Hunter are Pussy whipped by some hoes name3d Sam and Taylor

by AndrewThe CRACK October 19, 2008

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miricle whip

using mayonaisse as a lubricant for anal sex

man we ran out of anal ease last night so we had to do a miricle whip.

by mayo man January 2, 2012

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Pussy Whipped

Most people assume that it's being a slave to the pussy. For instance, they "put the pussy on the pedestal." The most common use of the term is usually used in conversation amongst male-friends. It is a derogatory statement that is suppose to make the recipient of the comment embarrassed and feel as if he has lost his sense of masculinity and male dominance. Friends will use the term when they feel that they have been outcast because their friend is spending too much time with his significant other. Really it is the one who makes the comment that is jealous because they do not have a companion of their own and will usually follow the statement with a comment like, "What happened to bro's before hoes?"

Yo dude what's a matter? Oh yeah you're pussy whipped. You can't call your boy? Bro's before hoes man!

by Drisko December 3, 2008

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whipped up

To get really excited; to work oneself into a frenzy. To get worked up.

"Oh my god. She was like, totally whipped up about that guy."

by Bethh13a June 2, 2006

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Pistol Whip

the act of strikeing one to the neck with the butt of a pistol.

SHUT THE FUK UP, or i'll pistol whip ur ass

by kman kenny January 10, 2008

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When you see a comboniation pizza hut and taco bell

you gotta 180 and completely whip-a-shitty

when someone is having a good time and that pisses you off

"This dude is fucking having a great time, fuck that dude imma Whip-A-Shitty"

by TechStomper July 1, 2020

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